
Human Experiment From The Vaccine – How Dangerous is This Existential Event

Medicalization can be defined as the process by which some aspects of human life come to be considered as the medical problem

1500+ Deaths In The USA from Covid vaccines
1500+ Deaths In The USA from Covid vaccines

The Global Medical Tyranny – Medicalization

Medicalization can be defined as the process by which some aspects of human life come to be considered as the medical problem. And the Masters want to get rid of humans, they have been teaching us that we are bad, dirty, killers of the planet. All to take power, this reminds me of the Jim Jones story and the world is reaching for the Kool aid. The Propaganda has been set in place from the Marxist State Media and its time to Wake Up. SHTF is coming get prepared now. Reach out to a group od people and secure land out of the cities, Farm your food and sow your crops.

VAERS only reports a death that happens within 15 minutes. So all the other they say are not explainable at this time is nothing more than a cover up of the real numbers. How Long till nurses start to speak up, well not so long.


What do you think?

Written by Colin

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