A disciplinary hearing panel has ruled that Hoffe, one of the first Canadian doctors to raise concerns about COVID-19 vaccine injuries, will be able to contest his licensing body’s assertion that the injections are ‘safe and effective.’
Since March 2021, British Columbian Dr. Charles Hoffe has been in a battle to keep his license to practice while also upholding his duty to “first do no harm” and provide informed consent.
After Dr. Hoffe began to speak out about neurological side effects some of his patients experienced post-COVID injections, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. accused him of spreading “misleading, incorrect, or inflammatory” information about COVID inoculations.
“I’ve always been a very careful and conscientious and hardworking doctor. And so to suddenly be accused of this professional misconduct for simply alerting people to safety signals is very peculiar,” Hoffe told Rebel News.
While Hoffe’s professional tribulations are not over, he and his attorney, Lee Turner, are celebrating a significant pre-trial win after successfully defeating the College’s application to have the panel take judicial notice of COVID safety and efficacy claims they wanted accepted as indisputable facts.
“I believe it’s the first case in a disciplinary hearing context like this where the panel has also acknowledged this now and is saying it’s not appropriate to take judicial notice that just because Health Canada has approved it does not necessarily mean it’s safe or effective,” explained Turner.
“It’s significant because now we’re on more of a level playing field,” he added.
Hoffe’s disciplinary hearing has been tentatively scheduled for three weeks beginning this October, but Turner is in the process of seeking an adjournment for new dates because the date was unilaterally set at a time he is unavailable.