On today’s Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down Monday’s announcement by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that two Yemeni nationals on a terrorist watchlist have been apprehended near the U.S/.Mexico border in recent months. The men–who are also on a no-fly list–were arrested in two separate incidents near the Calexico border crossing in Southern California. Yemen, their country of origin, is home to the Iran-backed Houthi rebels as well as an active branch of the terror group Al Qaeda. Is America’s porous southern border becoming a major national security threat? #Yemen #Border #UnitedStates #Mexico #Terrorism Watch full episodes of The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck for FREE on the TBN App: https://watch.tbn.org/the-watchman-wi… The Watchman Show is LIVE Wednesdays 11:30PM ET // Fridays 6:30PM ET on TBN FOLLOW ERICK: http://twttr.com/erickstakelbeck http://fb.me/erickstakelbeck http://instagr.am/erick.stakelbeck http://erickstakelbeck.com