
Civility Has Broken, And Everyone Going Along with It Is Complacent.

There is only one way out of this and it’s United Not Compliance.

HOSPITAL RESCUE - Women refused access to see her father 06:11:2021 MEDWAY HOSPITAL UK
HOSPITAL RESCUE - Women refused access to see her father 06:11:2021 MEDWAY HOSPITAL UK

The World Is Waking Up To The Dystopian Future Of Loose Of Liberties And Compassion.

So why did everyone get vaccinated? So you can’t go see your loved ones, so you can’t go to a covid word even thou you’ve been given the soft kill bio weapon “vaccine”. Is Everyone not protected, not allowed to cough anymore. They are killing us in the hospitals, they are literally Waking our elders,  killing the people with the jabs, now want to come after the children! One thing is for sure it Ain’t Going Back To The Good Old Days. But it will either go to a way for the people, or it will be the end of humanity as we know it. Yeah many of these nurses and Doctors have been on the wrong side of history, and they will be under scrutiny when we start with the facts and science. Who has been making these tyrannical orders and the order followers. The Great Awakening Is Coming For You.

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Written by Colin

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