Australia is broken and looks to be under control of the CCP especially in the NSW state with Dictator Dan Andrews as Premier. Really the police should literally be locking him up as well as many of the Police pushing these unlawful measures. After all of this is down I am thinking people should have the rights to bare arms in all regions of the world to keep governments in check. Obviously the corruption at these levels in Government are much to corruptible. I guess we will be seeing an over haul of Politicians roles in dictating new laws and “Health Dictates from Communist Infiltrators” doesn’t hold over to well with the citizens of the world. Same goes for The C and other Governmental bodies. Lets practice medicine with our physicians and not from Big Pharma that is run by Big Oil and Big Finance Companies.
So You Think You Can Move Your Home? Your Arrested For Doing So.
$15,000 QLD border fine and straight to 14 days quarantine @ $3,400 , a criminal record too. Western Australia same offence 12 months in prison. Pathetic Covid politics.
Americans are watching Australia in horror and that is not a good sign
It’s sad isn’t it. The states shouldn’t be closed. There’s a high survival rate for covid unless your very very ill or very old. Even if I’ve been sick in the past I never went to see my grandparents while I was ill. It’s just insane they are destroying lives. There’s the new instant testing people could use. Why can’t they even just use that in the mean time?
I hope this comes back to bite em on the ar$e who’s ever responsible for this madness.. Opening international flights into Australia and we can’t even move between states… Unless the next election is Rigged, I can’t wait to see the end of Lib and Lab