
Spate of Nationwide Rallies Warn Canadians About WHO Pandemic Treaty

Opinion: 4 Years ago people were unaware of One World Government. Today we know Who and Why and our governments are Silent and dismissive about it. We do not have a government working for the people, we have Agents working against is in parliamentary positions.

Spate of Nationwide Rallies Warn Canadians About WHO Pandemic Treaty
Spate of Nationwide Rallies Warn Canadians About WHO Pandemic Treaty
Spate of Nationwide Rallies Warn Canadians About WHO Pandemic Treaty
Maggie Braun (C) with other Stand United supporters protesting in front of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa on March 9, 2024. (Courtesy Yan Parisien)
Jeff Sandes




VANCOUVER—In 11 chilly cities stretching from Ottawa to Whitehorse on March 9, the Stand United freedom movement held rallies focused on warning Canadians about potential fallout from the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord, expected to be voted on in May.
Stand United founder James Davison of Abbotsford, B.C., has organized nationwide rallies for more than two years to bring awareness about what he feels have been abusive government policies and infringements on citizen freedoms. He also hopes to inspire people to respond, saying if Canada agrees to the final draft of the WHO treaty, rights and freedoms are ripe to be taken away by people Canadians didn’t elect.

“That’s the theme going on across Canada. If you value your human rights and your liberties, your freedom to move, to come and go as you like, a non-elected governing organization having the authority over our own government is a real risk to our security, our prosperity and the future of the country in general,” Mr. Davison told  The Epoch Times before the March 9 rally in Vancouver.

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“It’s a really important time for Canadians to get passionate about remaining a sovereign country. This is our battle. This is the one we have to win so we can make sure we’re going to leave Canada in a good state for our next generation, and for our future generations to come.”

Linda Thompson, who organized the Stand United protest in Whitehorse, Yukon, agrees with Mr. Davison that signing the pandemic treaty leaves Canada vulnerable to be exploited.

“Personally, I’m worried that if we don’t stand against the WHO treaty, they will take control and we will be losing our freedom, our bodily autonomy, and everything that we’ve worked for,” Ms. Thompson wrote in correspondence with The Epoch Times.

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Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies
Biden Admin Negotiating Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies | Facts Matter
Biden Admin Negotiating Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies | Facts Matter
“And I’m worried that if I do stand against the WHO treaty, that my own government will try to take those things from me anyway. We’ve got a huge uphill battle, but if we don’t rise to the fight, [we’ve] lost already.”

UN’s 2030 Agenda

In Ottawa, Maggie Braun was one of the organizers who embraced the Stand United WHO treaty theme, but also brought her own action plan for discussion, Gather 2030.

“For me, my big focus is on how the United Nations Agenda 21 is being implemented through Canadian municipalities,” Ms. Braun told The Epoch Times.

“What they’ve done is gone into the Canadian municipalities, done presentations, and offered them grant money to get them to sign up to this program. And once they’re signed up, this international program starts drafting all of our municipal plans with a focus on U.N. directives,” she said.

“It’s basically the death of the small town all across Canada and it’s right there in their plan. This is what they intend to do.”

Gather 2030 is designed to counter the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN initiative to build on the unfulfilled targets from Agenda 21, as well as move ambitiously toward other goals like eradicating poverty and creating gender equality. Signed in September 2015, the Agenda states: “The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet.”
A protester at the Stand United rally in Vancouver on March 9, 2024. (Jeff Sandes/The Epoch Times)
A protester at the Stand United rally in Vancouver on March 9, 2024. (Jeff Sandes/The Epoch Times)
To combat what she believes is U.N. overreach, Ms. Braun, who testified at the Emergencies Act hearing in November 2022, has concentrated on the local government level, educating city councillors on how to protect the freedoms they provide their cities and towns.

“We are countering the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ effort to push this on our councillors,” she said. “The councillors still have the authority to decide whether to implement this agenda or not, and they’ve always had that authority. So we’re providing them with the information—as opposed to city staff who are trained in pushing forward this agenda—and we’re having success in that.”

Edmonton rally-goers set up an information table and a Reject Agenda 2030 banner on March 9, 2024. (Courtesy Emmott Kelsey)
Edmonton rally-goers set up an information table and a Reject Agenda 2030 banner on March 9, 2024. (Courtesy Emmott Kelsey)

The accord and its possible impact largely remain vague on the WHO’s website because the final version of the treaty is still expected to be presented at the World Health Assembly in May by an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB). However, it outlines how member states should embrace a unified approach to dealing with a global health crisis.

“The World Health Assembly decision establishing the (INB) and its work on this new international accord stressed that WHO’s Member States, who will be working in their sovereign capacity, should guide their efforts by the principle of solidarity with all people and countries, and that the accord should frame practical actions to deal with both causes and consequences of pandemics and other health emergencies,” it reads.

Some health experts have expressed concerns about what this treaty could entail.

“They want to see a centralized, vaccine-and-medication-based response, and a very restrictive response in terms of controlling populations,” David Bell, a public health physician and former WHO staffer specializing in epidemic policy, told The Epoch Times in February 2022.

“They get to decide what is a health emergency, and they are putting in place a surveillance mechanism that will ensure that there are potential emergencies to declare.”

James Davison, founder of Stand United, at a rally on March 9, 2024. (Jeff Sandes/The Epoch Times)
James Davison, founder of Stand United, at a rally on March 9, 2024. (Jeff Sandes/The Epoch Times)

‘Fatally Dangerous’

In the same article, Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, warned of the World Health Assembly creating new global pandemic regulations in step with the developing WHO treaty, which could jeopardize the authority of member nations to govern their own people.

“Both [initiatives] are fatally dangerous,” he said. “Either one or both would set up a worldwide medical police state under the control of the WHO, and in particular WHO Director-General Tedros. If either one or both of these go through, Tedros or his successor will be able to issue orders that will go all the way down the pipe to your primary care physicians.”

That is one of the main concerns Jody Ledgerwood had when she organized the Stand United rally in Toronto. But rather than recruit people to give speeches to those who already agree with her, she gathered a team to try a different approach.

They took television screens, a speaker system, and information pamphlets to BMO Field where Toronto Football Club hosted Charlotte FC, and more than 25,000 fans had to walk by their display to see the game. Afterward, they went to Nathan Phillips Square for the celebration of Toronto’s 190th birthday with their gear and message.

Toronto FC soccer fans look at television screens set up by WHO treaty protesters on their way to BMO Field in Toronto on March 9, 2024. (Courtesy Jody Ledgerwood)
Toronto FC soccer fans look at television screens set up by WHO treaty protesters on their way to BMO Field in Toronto on March 9, 2024. (Courtesy Jody Ledgerwood)

“If we’re going to do rallies and protests now, we actually have to go to where the people are,” Ms. Ledgerwood said in an interview. “The last two years since the Freedom Convoy, the rallies and the attendance have died off and you’re really just getting the echo-chamber people. We already know this stuff and we’re bored of it.

“So, now my big thing is recruit, educate, action. The only way we can recruit is if we go to the people who don’t know this information, and those people aren’t in the echo chamber.”

The TV screens were set to play clips from government officials telling the public their plans for a more restrictive society and erosion of freedoms, Ms. Ledgerwood said before the rally.

“We are going to play all these wonderful soundbites of all of our leaders talking the narrative that they’ve been putting out for the last four years so that people can see what it is that they’re doing to us—that basically Big Brother is watching and doing things that are not for your safety, nor your health, nor your family.”

She said more than 50 people accepted information pamphlets while many others were willing to speak with the protesters.

Jeff Sandes
Jeff Sandes
Jeff Sandes is a freelance contributor to The Epoch Times based in the Vancouver area.

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Written by Colin

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