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CALGARY, Alberta, April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A prominent Canadian legal group has released a powerful video that highlights concerns surrounding COVID-19 vaccine passports and the mandatory vaccinations being touted by some provincial governments.
The video titled “Mandatory Vaccinations and Vaccine Passports” was put out by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on March 29.
The JCCF video begins by highlighting a report from Toronto Sun political columnist Brian Lilley, who spoke about COVID vaccine passports in Ontario.
Lilley describes how in December of 2020, the health minister of Ontario Christine Elliott said that residents of Canada’s most populous province will need a form of proof that they have received the COVID-19 vaccine.
Lisa Bildy, a lawyer for the JCCF who is featured in the video, told LifeSiteNews that for a government to “threaten or mandate liberty restrictions” against Canadians who do not want a “COVID-19 vaccine,” is indeed a violation of one’s Charter rights.
“The government should make the Covid-19 vaccine available to all Canadians who want it, starting with those who are the most vulnerable. That should be the end of their involvement in the personal health decisions of Canadians,” Bildy told LifeSiteNews.
The JCCF has said that vaccine “immunity passports”, if implemented, would appear to violate Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which involves one’s conscience rights; Section 6 regarding mobility rights; and Section 7, which protects one’s “right to life, liberty and security of the person.”
“They’re going to create vaccine passports and they’re going to make having a vaccine and proof of vaccine a right of entry to go into public spaces and go to concerts and travel,” Bildy said in the video.
“The first principle is that the person has a right to voluntarily refuse to participate in a medical experiment. How is it up to media or government or a health official or the court to force somebody to take a jab in their arm of a brand-new experimental type of vaccine approach that we’ve never seen before? I just I’m sort of baffled.”
In the JCCF video, Bildy also warned of an impending two-tier system where “some people have rights and freedoms and others are shut out.”
“The Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects all of us from these infringements by government. The human rights and privacy concerns are very serious. We are paving the way to giving up access to a normal life for anyone who doesn’t get with the program for a disease that is relatively mild for the vast majority of people,” said Bildy.
“But like many rights infringements which are ushered in when we are worried and want some security, it won’t easily be walked back and we’ll now have this invasive system in place, that can be easily retooled as some sort of global identification system or even a Chinese style social credit system. Didn’t get your COVID vaccine? No travel for you. Didn’t do your mandatory diversity training? No banking for you. Is this the kind of society that we want?”
Canada’s Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has to date not said one way or another whether or not it will use so-called COVID vaccine passports in Canada.
In late February, Trudeau said that there were “pros and cons” to COVID-19 “immunity passports.”
In early March, Canada’s Health Minister Patty Hajdu said the government is “certainly working on the idea of vaccine passports” with its fellow G7 partners.
“I was on a call with my G7 health minister counterparts just a couple of weeks ago and that is a very live issue,” Hajdu explained on CTV’s Question Period. “We’ll be coming back to Canadians as we understand more about the intentions of our counterparts internationally, and as we understand more about how that will unfold around the world.”
Hajdu in March gave a non-answer to a question asked by independent Ontario MP Derek Sloan regarding “vaccine passports.” Sloan said Patty Hajdu’s comments were “more than condescending,” as well as “concerning.”
The JCCF video also talks about how mask mandates have “become increasingly strict over time.”
“Those who cannot wear them are finding it very difficult to access even essential health care. So while COVID passports are now being presented as a way to open things up for travel and large sporting events. It won’t be long, I’m concerned, before you need to go to a grocery store or to your job. Then what happens to the people who can’t be vaccinated?” said Bildy in the JCCF video.

The JCCF is currently involved in many COVID-19 related legal cases in Alberta, and Canada-wide, representing people and groups fighting fines and charges.
Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC), a not-for-profit society founded by families who have suffered from vaccine reactions or injuries, told LifeSiteNews there is no “Medical Justification” for “immunity passports” in Canada.
Vaccine safety has made headlines worldwide in light of reports that some COVID jabs such as the AstraZeneca COVID-19 injection, can cause serious blood clots.
Canada recently announced a pause on the distribution of the abortion taintedAstraZeneca COVID-19 coronavirus jab from being given to people under 55, following numerous reports indicating that the product may be linked to blood clots.
In Canada, vaccines are not mandatory at the federal level, as each province is responsible for their healthcare delivery. At the provincial level, places like Ontario and New Brunswick have made certain vaccines mandatory via legislation, with a few exceptions, for children to attend public schools.
LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.
Health Bureaucrats Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity, Forcing and not giving proper consent and not letting you know about Ivermectin. SHTF.tv