
Lawyer Michael Alexander Testifies | Day 2 Toronto | National Citizens Inquiry

Lawyer Michael Alexander Testifies | Day 2 Toronto | National Citizens Inquiry
Lawyer Michael Alexander Testifies | Day 2 Toronto | National Citizens Inquiry

Michael Alexander, a seasoned Toronto Lawyer gives us a poignant understanding of extraordinary use of power and unlawful conduct of the regulatory colleges that oversee Doctors, citing several cases that showcase the broken legal frameowrk that Drs have had to navigate during the covid years. He highlights the unusual ruling in one high profile case where the judge asks “ is misinformation even a real word or has it become a crass self serving tool to pre-empt scutiny and discredit, to de-legitimize questions and strategically avoid giving answers”. Be sure to watch Michaels riveting testimony which speaks to the muzzle on Candian Doctors and Nurses!!

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Written by colinnew

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