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College Student Abruptly Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Second Moderna Shot

These Vaccines Are Killing people. And Big Pharma Pays of The Governments

College Student Abruptly Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Second Moderna Shot
College Student Abruptly Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Second Moderna Shot

An Ohio college student died about two weeks after receiving her second dose of the Moderna mRNA COVID vaccine.

19-year-old Northwestern University freshman Simone Scott passed away from pneumonia complications Friday following a heart transplant she received as a result of myocarditis-induced heart failure last month.

Scott’s parents, left without an official explanation from doctors how this happened, believe the Moderna vaccine played a role in their daughter’s death, according to investigative reporter Alex Berenson.

“My fear is that we’ll never know what happened to Simone,” her father, Kevin Scott, reportedly said Sunday night. “[The vaccine] is a coincidence that is too big to ignore.”

“I do suspect it was the vaccine,” said Scott’s mother, Valerie Kraimer. “If it wasn’t direct, it played a role.”

Scott “took it upon herself to get vaccinated” as soon as the shots became available in April, her father said, and suffered adverse side effects soon after taking the first dose of Moderna’s vaccine.

After taking the second dose a month later, Scott went into heart failure.

“They said her heart was not functioning and they needed to insert a balloon pump to get it working,” Kraimer said.  “They did at that point suspect that it was myocarditis. They were thinking it was a virus that had attacked her heart.”

A week later, doctors told Scott’s parents she needed a heart transplant, which was initially successful, but soon complications from the transplant led to a fatal lung infection.

Scott’s parents wish medical experts would have raised more awareness about the possible vaccine side effects, especially in young people.

“I lost my only daughter,” Kraimer said. “I never thought I’d have to give up my daughter for the greater good of society.”

Notably, around the time Scott received her first dose of the COVID shot, Israel researchers reported a possible link between myocarditis and the COVID vaccine in young individuals.

A month later, the CDC acknowledged a possible link between heart inflammation and the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines, which they claim to now be investigating.

Additional studies also found that heart inflammation was a common adverse reaction of the COVID-19 jab as a result of COVID spike proteins manufactured by the body via the mRNA vaccine.

What do you think?

Written by Colin

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Spanish study finds Pfizer vaccine contains high levels of TOXIC graphene oxide July 15, 2021 Randolph Jason Spanish study finds Pfizer vaccine contains high levels of TOXIC graphene oxide by: Arsenio Toledo for Natural News Researchers from Spain have discovered that the Pfizer-BioNTech Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine contains graphene oxide. The research team from the University of Almeria‘s Department of Engineering recently published a report titled “Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension: Observational Study in Optical and Electron Microscopy.” In this study, the Spanish researchers found that each dose of the Pfizer vaccine they examined contained around 747 nanograms of graphene oxide. This meant that more than 99 percent of the Pfizer vaccine was made up entirely of graphene oxide. Graphene oxide, a material formed from graphite, is a known toxic substance. Previous studies have shown that graphene-based materials like graphene oxide can cause dose-dependent toxicity. It can damage the liver and the kidneys, spur on the formation of granulomas in the lungs, decrease cell viability and trigger cell apoptosis or pre-programmed cell death. Animal studies have found that injection of graphene oxide in the body deposits the toxic substance in the lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. Researchers have also reported difficulty in cleansing the material out of the body. Many face masks being peddled by corporations are coated or lined with graphene. (Related: Wearing face masks coated in graphene can cause serious lung problems, warns Health Canada.) In their report, the Spanish researchers also discovered significant amounts of graphene oxide in the swabs used in polymerase chain reaction and antigen tests. These tests are used supposedly to detect COVID-19. Medical expert: No reason for graphene oxide to be in vaccines “except to murder people”

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