The CNN news outlet has had a difficult time handling the transition from the Trump presidency. During the Trump administration, CNN ran daily segments attacking the president for his handling of COVID-19 and also took time to fuel the many scandals surrounding former President Donald Trump. At the same time, the network promoted Democrats like former Governor Andrew Cuomo as the future of the Democratic party and a person who could defeat COVID-19.
That was, until it was discovered he purposely lied about case numbers and that his brother, CNN host Chris Cuomo, even used his position at the network to find information on his brother’s accusers. That was just the first domino to fall at CNN as the network’s president, Jeff Zucker, recently resigned. But apparently the reason behind his departure isn’t due to an office romance, but something much bigger.
The hint that something much deeper was happening at CNN than just an undisclosed relationship started to grow traction when Megyn Kelly spoke on Newsmax TV’s “Eric Bolling the Balance.” She wouldn’t go into detail with the host about what information she had, but she said, “I’ll tell you what — the biggest takeaway for me today — because there will be more shoes to drop. Mark my words.”
Although Kelly might not have wanted to divulge her information just yet, Karol Markowicz, a columnist for the New York Post, noted that it wasn’t bombshell news Zucker and his colleague Allison Gollust were romantically involved. To Markowicz, it was almost surprising that the President would be fired over something that most people within CNN already knew about. But at the same time, the columnist admitted that there may have been more at play behind the decision to get rid of Zucker, especially when it was his power at CNN that led to the Cuomo brothers becoming regulars on the network.
While CNN stands by their decision, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson called out the network for firing Zucker not for having a relationship with another employee, but because he tried to do something new that obviously led to horrendous ratings.
What makes the reasoning for Zucker’s resignation even stranger is the fact that CNN’s Brian Stelter admitted live on TV that Chris Cuomo was trying to cripple the network due to his termination. He claimed Cuomo had condemning evidence on Zucker and Gollust. Take a look.
Adding his voice to the conversation, political commentator Don Bongino had a hilarious take on the whole matter as he suggested the Fake News is crumbling. Bongino mocked Stelter and CNN for how they presented themselves as being the gatekeepers of truth yet at the same time, they apparently had no idea that Zucker was having a romantic relationship with another colleague.
Bongino’s take on the disasters at CNN was explored deeper when Megyn Kelly spoke with Melissa Cronin, who had been reporting on the scandal since January. Cronin noted how Gollust released a statement suggesting the relationship started during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Katie Couric detailed in her book how there were rumors dating back to 2013.
The last couple of days might have been a whirlwind for the network, but the dip in viewership wasn’t just due to the Cuomo brothers or a secret relationship. In the video below, CNN is shown promoting and pushing fake news for over the past two years. From Russia helping Trump win the election to January 6th protestors supposedly wanting to murder lawmakers, one reporter had to clearly state, “We are not Fake News.”
With Zucker no longer with the company, the CEO of Discovery, David Zaslav, told CNBC on Friday that CNN was “the leader in news to the left.” Being the CEO, Zaslav is on the cusp of merging CNN with WarnerMedia. While being reviewed, the network’s future is set to be determined this spring. And with new management in place, Zaslav stated, “We have this great entertainment menu, which should keep people in the home, from the kids to the grandparents. Why would they go anywhere else? And then we’re the leader in news to the left.”
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