
Australian MP Stands Up Against Vaxx Passport

No Covid No Passport Bill


Prohibits: Commonwealth, state and territory governments and other non-government entities from issuing domestic COVID-19 vaccine passports; and discrimination on the basis of whether a person has had a COVID 19 vaccination in the provision of goods, services and facilities; and in relation to employment, education, accommodation and sport.


House of Representatives
Introduced and read a first time 21 Jun 2021
Second reading moved 21 Jun 2021

Documents and transcripts

Text of bill

Explanatory memoranda

Proposed amendments

No proposed amendments have been circulated.

Schedules of amendments

No documents at present

Helpful information

Text of bill

  • First reading: Text of the bill as introduced into the Parliament
  • Third reading: Prepared if the bill is amended by the house in which it was introduced. This version of the bill is then considered by the second house.
  • As passed by both houses: Final text of bill agreed to by both the House of Representatives and the Senate which is presented to the Governor-General for assent.

Explanatory memoranda

  • Explanatory memorandum: Accompanies and provides an explanation of the content of the introduced version (first reading) of the bill.
  • Supplementary explanatory memorandum: Accompanies and explains amendments proposed by the government to the bill.
  • Revised explanatory memorandum: Accompanies and explains the amended version (third reading) of the bill. It supersedes the explanatory memorandum.

Proposed amendments

Circulated by members and senators when they propose to make changes to the bill. For details about the outcome of proposed amendments please refer to either the Votes and Proceedings (House of Representatives) or the Journals (Senate).

Schedules of amendments

Schedules of amendments list amendments agreed to by the second house are communicated to the first house for consideration. Subsequent action by either house may also be included in a schedule.

No Domestic COVID Vaccine Passports Bill 2021

Sponsor(s)KELLY, Craig, MP
Originating house
House of Representatives
Before Reps
Parliament no


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Written by Colin

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