A group of WEF scientists have urged governments to ration jeans due to the fact that wearing jeans is “bad for the environment” and contributing to “global boiling.”
The WEF-funded scientists from the Guangdong University of Technology published a new study warning that a pair of fast-fashion jeans just once creates 2.5kg of CO2, or the equivalent of driving a gas-powered car 6.4 miles.
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Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Guangdong University of Technology is a state-run school by the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government in China.
“This study took jeans as an example to reveal the carbon footprint of fast fashion consumption and its additional climate impacts compared to traditional fashion,” wrote the authors of the new report, set for publishing in May 2024.
“Jeans production and cross-broad transportation contributed 91 % of the carbon footprint of fast fashion consumption,” added the experts.