A leaked recording obtained by investigator and writer Sasha Latypova features an executive at the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca stating the following:
It wasn’t a surprise to me when I got a call on February 4th from the Defence Department here in the U.S. saying that the newly discovered SARS-2 virus posed a national security threat.
This is an astonishing, major-newspaper headline-worthy revelation.
Here’s what was happening on February 4th 2020:
Virus activity in the U.S.:
- According to CNN, on February 4th there were 11 “confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus” in the United States.
- There were zero reported deaths from the virus in the U.S.
- As documented in my recently launched Covid Timeline Wiki Project, the New York Times had two headlines about the virus focused on China and travellers from Wuhan. There were no op-eds on the virus.
Virus activity internationally:
- Approximately 490 reported deaths.
- The disease caused by the virus had not even been named “COVID-19” yet.
- The WHO said the outbreak “was not yet a pandemic”.
Behind-the-scenes virus-related activity: EUA & PREP Act:
- Crucially, the FDA and HHS declared the first emergency basis for issuance of Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) for Covid on February 4th.
- EUA is an authority that was granted to the FDA “to strengthen public health protections against biological, chemical, nuclear and radiological agents”.
- As explained in a previous article, EUA powers were granted to the FDA to be used in situations of grave, immediate emergencies involving weapons of mass destruction. They were intended to allow the use of countermeasures against biological, chemical, nuclear or radiological (CBRN) agents without going through all the usual steps of ensuring safety and efficacy, because the immediate threat of the CBRN attack would be so much greater than any potential risks caused by the countermeasure.
- In conjunction with EUA, PREP Act protection was also granted retroactively to February 4th (announced March 17th). The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, as noted in a previous article, legally indemnifies from all liability anyone who does anything related to a product that receives Emergency Use Authorisation. Again, this was intended for very extreme emergency situations involving CBRN agents, so that if a countermeasure caused harm while being used during the attack, no one would get sued.
Origins cover-up:
- Anthony Fauci, Jeremy Farrar, Francis Collins, Eddie Holmes and others in the international group of gain-of-function funders and researchers were conspiring to publish multiple documents denying the possibility that the virus could have emerged from the virus lab they were funding and working with in Wuhan, China.
- Emily Kopp at U.S. Right to Know has compiled a detailed timeline of these activities, many of which occurred on the days just before and just after February 4th 2020.
If the Department of Defence was telling pharmaceutical executives that the “novel coronavirus” was “a national security threat” on February 4th 2020 – when it had killed no one and infected 11 people in the country – there must have been a reason other than public health.
If EUA and PREP Act emergency declarations – reserved for dire situations involving attacks with CBRN agents – were issued on that same day, there must have been a reason other than public health.
If the heads of the U.S. public health agencies, including Anthony Fauci (NIAID) and Francis Collins (NIH), were spending a large portion of their time on that day frantically trying to come up with ways to claim the virus was not manufactured in a lab – there must have been a reason other than public health.
The reason is becoming increasingly undeniable: the Covid crisis was a military and national security operation, not a public health event.
Debbie Lerman is a Brownstone Fellow who has a degree in English from Harvard. She is a retired science writer and a practising artist in Philadelphia, PA. This article was first published by the Brownstone