Jesus didn’t believe in leprosy…or death for that matter. So I doubt he would take a product that has not been licensed, has no liability, caused death in animal trials,used aborted babies to develop, manufactured by companies who pay billions in lawsuits for lying about safety
MadHatter is first I have read that agrees with me generally about jumping to conclusions. But as yet no one has picked up on what I think is the most important negative of Del’s response which is: he actually tried to get RFK to remove Frei’s article. This is intentional “censorship” of a view Del disagrees with. He himself as we all know had this done to him and I would hope we all as he, agree this is immoral and thus wrong. Yet Del has done this. This is a double standard and cannot be allowed to be unchallenged. I think Del needs to confront this and acknowledge this bruised ego error and publicly apologize and make good.
Del seems to be jumping to conclusions and putting his weight behind Geert. VdB motive is still not clear, and obviously, as seen in multiple of his interviews, he is interested in promoting NK vaccines that he would require for everyone. What other chance would Geert have to promote such even more experimental treatment if not at the time of extreme fear, emergency powers, and the lockdowns? Verkerk also has reservations about Geert’s theory, as published in CHD. Sure, it may make sense to promote his views to foster the discussion, but let’s gather more facts before forming opinions.
Verkerk’s interview:
Please do not back down, you are right. the devil is trying to cause confusion among us who fight this Evil fight.
Hey, by admitting the mistake of your side aka Mrs. Rosemary is virtue. I think Bobby Kennedy is trying to dance around you Del and not admitting the mistake.
I don’t buy the statement from this vaccine maker say’s – they are making a mistake. Gates, WHO and CDC is not making a mistake in pushing vaccines. They KNOW what the vaccine is going to do. Remember the injuries the Gate’s vaccine did in India and Africa?. Remember the smirk on Gate’s face when he said the second wave will get our attention? They KNOW..
Excellent video – thank you Del!
New evidence shows that women are becoming sterile after one vaccine. My 19 yearold daughter Jessamyn became autistic in a week after the UCSC nurses force vaccinated her without her permission. 2005.
Spell “Vault Test”?, Bolt Test? Please spell it Dell
Which nations have the lowest Covid death rates & why?
Taiwan has 10 deaths total as of 3/25/21, Vietnam has 35 total, China near-zero/ day, Sweden has 42 day, Senegal 5 day, Nigeria 1,221 total, according Reuters News Service. India has 9 deaths/ day. (20,000)
Nations that eat mainly curry rice, Tumeric vegetables, sweet potatoes, yams and little red meat have the lowest death rates. Stop eating wheat.
Sweden jobs & schools OPEN, no masks or vaccines, has full immunity, proving vaccines are unnecessary.
Ask Dr. Wallach: 877-912-7529 talk show, daily 1pm, explains how the
“Asian diet is the best diet to avoid Covid.”
Wheat causes leaky gut syndrome. Nations who eat wheat, pizza & pasta have the highest death rates: US, Italy, NY, NJ, Brazil. Stop eating wheat if you are over 40.
Wheat pokes holes in your gut & lets the virus into your blood.
Covid vaccine may make people sterile.
CDC /VAERS reports 4,021 people have died from Covid vaccines.
Paul Kangas 4 Governor, June 2022. ZOOM wed. 6pm
“People who eat 2 grams of vitamin C hourly are immune.” -Linus Pauling
I think you should do a piece on how the covid test swabs are sterilized with Ethylene Oxide, which is a carcinogen that causes cancer, brain hemorrhaging, leukemia, cataracts, etc. Testing on people with a swab that is coated in a known carcinogen is violating Nuremberg Code articles 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Thank you so much
When has Fauci not lied to us?
Somebody is wrong. Is modern virology since John Enders 1954 “isolation” all built on bad and unscientifically valid foundation or not. Quit glossing over this necessary division, please.
I was shocked to see the police brutality in Hawaii during the Freedom rally. I was present at the rally in Augusta Maine without any incidents. There was around 200 people present and two police in the driveway of the Capitol building. We have a very high vaccination rate, but there are still people like myself standing up for FREEDOM!!!
Rosemary – you can find the latest Geert V B interview on alliance for natural health website, http://www.anhinternational.org the interview is hosted by the Founder & Scientific director Rob Verkerk PhD
.. ..
You mean after banning the treatments, sending sick people from hospital into care homes and spreading it, using masks that do nothing, shutting the economy for a disease that hardly kills anyone and censoring any voice in opposition – you’re going to say “Oops.. it was an honest mistake”.
The people responsible need to be brought to justice. Nuremberg type trials with the death penalty.
Next they’ll be watering the plants with Gatorade.. hang on..
“… and not questioning what NEEDS to be questioned.” I love it!!
Hello hi wire this is Christina from Great Britain United Kingdom I’d like to keep up with the information you gave because nobody in Great Britain is is stating these things like you do about the truth what’s going off I do not want to miss anything thanks for listening
Love you Del. Amazing work
Goal of pandemic is too create government debt and hyperinflation like Venezuela for all western countries. Paris Accord / Carbon taxes apply to the west but not China to tax the western society into poverty by destroying the middle class. UBI/GBI and government dependence is the agenda as their response to an unemployment problem they created. We need to open our businesses and go back to work as free people.
After watching your video I must say that you have done the right thing. People on the sane need to side need to bury the hachett over a coffee and come together to fight the greater fight. I am concerned that even if leaders listen to Geert & stop roll out of these vaccines, the likes of Geert will then produce a super vaccine that will be then made encumbant on all to take because of the same argument Del making to stop them. In that event push back will be harder as we have just conceded to the vaccine escape being a real danger and surely they will produce evidence to pin point a virulent strain.
Is Geert what he seems?
Anyone know where I can find that new interview with Geert that Del has clips from in this show?
Hi Del, Would love you to do an interview with Michael O’Bernicia who is (with a band of legal beagles) bringing a law suit against: Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson.
On Michael’s website he states: “Moreover, in the opinion of the former CID fraud detective I am working with, our case is the “dynamite” which will blow the lid off the scamdemic worldwide, simply because all of the arguments are sustained by utterly compelling evidence, most of which is a matter of public record”.
The only country that’s produced, and is using a “traditional” vaccine is not having these nightmarish problems. Sinovac’s Coronavac is an inactivated virus vaccine and is also stored and transported at regular temperatures.
Merricks disease in chicken studies!
I don’t get people’s lack of understanding on why a veterinarian background would not be important to this issue. Have they never heard of animal studies. Can you have animal studies without a veterinarian. Of course on top of the rest of his background phd’s, research, history in the industry etc. His credibility is undeniable.
Rosemary made one point, everything else was to discredit (McMillan Vanden Bosch and Dell as well as Dell’s followers), not prove the science incorrect. Stick to the point Rosemary discredit his science otherwise you might as well be Snopes. Then Dr. ZDogg jumped on the bandwagon too, only his rebuttal was completely pathetic.
Del has been prescient / right on just about every aspect of this pandemic since its onset in early 2020. So now I am fearing something going horribly wrong, catastrophic events taking places in our society, vaccine resistant variants damaging and killing people who are vaccinated against COVID19. I actually had a dream last night that people were literally dropping dead on streets, one on my very office floor. (I had the dream before watching this episode). God I hope Del is wrong on his own prediction this time, but I can’t erase the gloomy taste in my mouth.
She did a hit piece on you and then refused to debate you or even come on!! Good point or not she does not care what you have to say and that is evident!!
I dont think you get it about Bill Gates. The guy is a psychopath and a eugenicist. He wants a pandemic !!! He wants also a total police state and high tech medicat tyranny like we are now seing in Israel, not just in China. I have family living in Israel. So I know what is going on there. You Americans are next !!!!!! but also western Europe, UK being the worst now. The only thing stopping them in USA is the 2nd amendment.
I may want to travel soon . Can you tell me more about the test on line before air travel. I think you said The Ball screen Test. Was that only for Hawaii?
Also I want to donate but don’t want my phone # out there or giving anyone my security code. It seems unnecessary
You are both right. She made some good points but it is useful indeed to show that even pro vaccines advocates are now having second thoughts. about mass vaccination. You dont have to trust this guy but he makes convincing arguments for people not to take these dangerous vaccines. Dr Offitt, and Dr Michael Yeadon also have the same reserves. Its all related to the dangerous pathogenic priming or ADE antibody dependent enhancement effect that could indeed kill hundred of millions.
some of the African nations are resisting.
There is a video that shows vaccines that says not to be used in US or EU. Why should it be different? It shouldn’t. So they are nit trusting it.
Exactly, have politicians to encourage healthy food, veggies and fruits , lots of healthy fiber to have strong immune system which is supported by good probiotics … Bacteria which live on fiber and pay us back with good immunity….no smoking, drinking alcohol and exercise !
Wow Hawaii – ya cant even have a private function undisturbed.
You are right Del … Very sincere Geert … I felt the same when I read the title on Bob Kennedy site.
Covid passport is nothing more than medical apartheid
I have to agree with Rosemary on this one. Geert is still pushing the “virus hoax”, something like what I would call controlled opposition.
Informed Consent! Isn’t this what “all cards on the table” debate should be about so the individual “will” decide for self? Is this not the basis of “free will”? Deception has always been the dark side’s tool.
Hear hear from upstate NY! With you on the High Road
Thanks for this Del. It’s a shame Rosemary Frei didn’t want to join the conversation. My reactions to her piece were that she had some valid criticisms but I didn’t feel the whole astroturfing rationale was on solid ground. There were a lot of kneejerk suspicions on social media, especially since the platforms were slow to ‘fact-check’ the original GVB video and in these psyop-riddled times you can’t be too careful, but open debate is key.
I would love to see you, Andy Wakefield, and Zach Bush discuss the proposition that the poor health of our societal gut microbiome (resulting from the assaults on it of pharma-based medicine and industrialised agriculture) is leading to the degradation of our ‘gut instinct’ – our ability to clearly discern when someone is telling lies!
God Bless You All
Isnt it normal that it get
s more infectious (and more harmless) as it learns?
After all, viruses don`t “want” to kill the host.
I think, the most imported point Frei raised was about the lack of evidence that there is a more dangerous virus emerging.
I get the point about what the vaccine might be doing to the immune system.
What I dont get, is what the study or data IS that made Bossche think this is happening now or will happen (the possibility should be taken very seriously sure, but what makes him think, this is going on?).
Because all "data" and studies that relays on the PCR test are trash (if it is not 100% clear how the test works (what exactly it is testing for) and how it is used).
t aware of this and dosnt
And if he isnt consider that basically the whole “Covid” science is questionable...
But at the end of the day, even though I get Freis worries, I don
t think alarmism is more dangerous than the possibility that Bossche might be right (even if its unlikely).
t picking it up I don
And since the mainstream media isnt think it
s likely to involve a conspiracy.
If it where different, I wouldnt first worry about Bossches motives first but about how it might be instrumentalized by bigh pharma (and then it really wouldn’t matter what Bossches intentions really are). But that dosn
t seem to be happening so far. So this seems pointless.
It never looked to me like Frei was attacking Del or Kennedy.
And if this is supposed to be about vigorous debate, then OK, she gave a vigorous argument.
What is really sad here is Mr. Kennedy throwing her under the bus! “The emblem of her weakness?????” YOU were the one who published her article.
I am so disappointed. I have praised you guys to the hilt over the past year, but this was poor behavior.
Del, you’re a big boy. You’re not that 3rd grader sitting at a school desk. I’m sure you have dealt with far worse than someone not calling you. Should she have? Sure. But we are living in desperate times.
I felt as strongly as she did about your interview with Bossche. And feel very strongly about the new one on The Defender.
Having him as a guest, Del, is one thing. Hearing his point of view is one thing. But to describe him as any kind of a whistleblower or incredibly brave person is just astounding to me.
You know who is brave – people that don’t wear masks for the last year. People who refuse to get tested for covid. People who have lost relationships with loved ones and friends because they don’t accept the narrative. People who are unemployed because they won’t or can’t wear a mask. People who have to do battle with stores because they do not wear a mask.
Families who have not been able to see loved ones – some who have died – in nursing homes and hospitals. THOSE people are brave.
Highwire – I felt the same way as Rosemary did, before I even read her column. I was very upset watching that interview. I have stated the same at The Defender. I don’t need to hear this guy. Where has he been for the past year???? We all knew vaccines were in the making. He is giving credence to the PCR test!! Which Reiner Fuellmich is basing his lawsuit on in Germany! The PCR test is what helped the Plandemic exist.
You cannot have it both ways. Very disappointed. This is not diplomacy. This is confusing this issue.
I am very close to unsubscribing both Defender and Highwire. Your audience is not people who are running out to get the vaccine after spending the past year all masked up and “in this together”. Your audience is people who are trying to negotiate life today while maskless and injection-less.
This fellow should have been on the Highwire a long time ago. He’s a little too late to the party.
I know you do great work, I have watched every single interview with RFK, Jr., Polly T, Sherri Tenpenny, Pam Popper, Mary Holland, The Highwire, many many others. Plus Vaxxed, Vaxxed 2, Vaccine Revealed and more. And have donated what I can.
But this turn of events is disturbing. And it was a bit hyperbolic last week, Del.
Rosemary the medical journalist, represents the type of journalist we have today in swarms- they seem to thrive on spreading misinformation through much disinformation
Saw del on with Owen Shroyer… great hour. Now I’m trying to find the videos of that pro-vax doc who warned about the variants and the effect of this mass fake vaccination on the global population
from the beginning of the lockdowns I thought how we are not helping the children by not letting them getting exposed to the virus.