
Situation Update, Mar 13, 2023 – The Non-Bailout BAILOUT commences – banking system flooded with BILLIONS in liquidity to DELAY total collapse

Situation Update, Mar 13, 2023 - The Non-Bailout BAILOUT commences - banking system flooded with BILLIONS in liquidity to DELAY total collapse
Situation Update, Mar 13, 2023 - The Non-Bailout BAILOUT commences - banking system flooded with BILLIONS in liquidity to DELAY total collapse

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Written by colinnew

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Americans' IQ Declining for First Time in Almost a Century, Study Finds

Americans’ IQ Declining for First Time in Almost a Century, Study Finds

Robert Kennedy Jr. says the CIA, DOD, and Tony Fauci taught Chinese military scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction. Then Bill Gates, a former CIA director, and China's CDC director co

Robert Kennedy Jr. says the CIA, DOD, and Tony Fauci taught Chinese military scientists how to build weapons of mass destruction. Then Bill Gates, a former CIA director, and China’s CDC director collaborated on how to censor a lab leak at Event 201 in Oct. 2019: