A mom-of-three who expressed wishes to vaccinate all of her children was humbled after her 14-year-old son was diagnosed with myocarditis, which set off a downward spiral of medical bills and doctors visits.
The mom’s entire transformation from pro-vax to pro-informed consent was documented publicly on Twitter, where she admitted she’s been criticized and blocked by pro-vaxxers despite her initial pro-vax stance.
May 8, 2021
The mom, under the handle EmilyJo, describes being an educator who believes in science, saying, “I’m a teacher with a few science degrees. All three of my kiddos will be vaccinated as soon as they are able.”
May 12, 2021
EmilyJo highlights her child’s first vaccination with a photo of him holding his CDC vaccine card, captioned, “My fourteen year old got his first COVID vaccine today. We are so thankful.”
June 24, 2021
EmilyJo admits her son has suffered a vaccine injury following his second Pfizer dose – but is still adamant her two younger sons will get vaccinated when eligible. She claims her son is still “happy to be vaccinated.”
“My son was one of the ‘unlucky’ ones and he developed myocarditis after his second dose. He was monitored in the hospital for 3 days. I am not making light of it and I can’t pretend to know what pain he felt. However, I asked him if he is still happy to be vaccinated… His answer was a resounding, ‘yes,” the mom wrote.
“My younger two children will also be vaccinated when eligible. I am much more fearful of the Delta variant and MIS-C.”
July 16, 2021
The mom begins to suspect the risk of myocarditis is much higher than is being communicated to the public, and begins to hint at mounting medical costs.
“Okay, I’m not an expert. As a parent, I don’t think that the risk of myocarditis and it’s severity is being adequately conveyed. I had no idea that ‘mild’ meant 4 days in the hospital and cardiology visits for the indefinite future. Different issue, I guess.”
July 23, 2021
EmilyJo responds to a Twitter user who claims the vaccines are “free” and necessary to “keep the stupids alive.” She admits her son will require “endless cardiology follow ups.”
“I have to pay for my son’s hospital bill and endless cardiology follow ups because he got post vaccine myocarditis. That’s not free,” she wrote.
July 24, 2021
The pro-vax mom admits she’s being attacked by pro-vax users on Twitter for discussing her son’s vaccine-induced medical condition, despite previously advocating for vaccination.
“Twitter is brutal,” she wrote. “From the beginning, I have advocated for vaccination as I believe it’s a way to control this pandemic. However, when I share that my son got myocarditis from his vaccine, I get blocked. I’m sorry my son’s AE doesn’t fit your agenda.”
July 25, 2021
The costs are starting to pile up, and the mom displays doctors bills representing the tip of the iceberg in terms of medical expenses. She also begins questioning the constant “vaccines work” mantra being touted by so-called experts and the media.
“My son’s hospital bills are starting to roll in from his vaccine induced myocarditis. This is just the first of many and only one of his consults. I imagine we will owe thousands just dealing with the Acute phase of myocarditis,” she wrote.
“This does not account for his follow up visits, echos, EKG’s, MRI’s, stress tests, troponin levels, etc. It’s very disheartening that the vaccine safety is touted to the public at every turn.”
“But what about when it’s not safe? Like in my son’s case. Those experts and officials now bear zero responsibility, financially or otherwise. The burden is all on us; physical, mental, and financial… This is so wrong to me. I think it should feel wrong to everyone else too, regardless of your belief about vaccinations.”
July 27, 2021
The embattled mom shows a photo of her son’s medical bill costing $2,864, and says her son has a new shirt that reads, “Came for immunity and all I got was myocarditis and a mask.”
October 8, 2021
The mom finally breaks down and admits she was duped and confesses she used to “shame anti-vaxxers.” She says her own life experiences “humbled” her and re-shaped her perspective.
“I admit it, I used to shame ‘anti-vaxxers’, which IMO were also those that were hesitant and considered nuance. My life and perspective changed on a dime when my kid came into my room with chest pain two days after his second dose. His AE shook me to my core.”
The mom’s distressing story should serve as a cautionary tale to parents on the fence about injecting the experimental Covid jab to youngsters as they become available in the coming weeks.
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