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PEDOPHILES and Child sex abusers – exposing Canada’s Healthcare Leaders – Part 1 – Pedophiles at Alberta Health Services, Alberta & BC Governments

PEDOPHILES and Child sex abusers - exposing Canada's Healthcare Leaders - Part 1 - Pedophiles at Alberta Health Services, Alberta & BC Governments

Top AHS Executive Dr.Albert de Villiers was convicted of sexually assaulting a 7 year old boy & sentenced to 5.5 years in prison on June 13, 2023. assaults happened when the victim was between the ages of seven and nine (2018-2020) during a series of sleepovers at the accused home”

“boy testified at trial that de Villiers showed him pornography and touched him several times at the doctor’s home”

“Dr.Villiers was charged in a separate case of one count each of voyeurism, sexual touching and making sexually explicit materials available to a child.” (different case) “victim’s statement described that they “felt pain in their heart”, and that their “heart turned black” after being shown pornographic material,”

“accused has a second trial for similar charges involving two other children set for August 23, 2023.” – corrupt Alberta prosecutors dropped the charges in Sep.2023 due to “difficulties with the case” – were they protecting a pedophile ring at Alberta Health Services and the Alberta Government?

WHO WAS PROTECTING Dr.VILLIERS? 1. He was a top AHS Executive (Chief Medical Officer of Health for Northern Zone) whose position was approved by AHS CEO

and AHS Chief Medical Officer Dr.Francois Belanger. He started sexually assaulting children as an AHS Executive while reporting to them during 2017-2020. 2. He was also hired by Alberta Premier

and Health Minister

to be their Ministry of Health PEDIATRIC ZONE LEADER, despite the fact he was not a pediatrician. Why? 3. He was protected by the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons

who gave his medical license a CLEAN RECORD to this day (I provide photo of his clean record at the College). 4. He sexually assaulted young boys while working for NDP Alberta Government

2017-2019 and for AHS under

2017-2020. 5. In August 2020 he abruptly moved to Kelowna, BC to be the BC Interior Chief Medical Officer of Health, which required approval of BC Premier John Horgan, BC Minister of Health

and Public Health Chief

(his direct boss). He went from one Top healthcare position to another in another province. That requires help of the leaderships of both provinces. After RCMP arrested him for child sex crimes in July 2021, BC NDP government put him on PAID LEAVE and paid him over $700,000 taxpayer dollars.

Contrast this with the 1000s of doctors who were fired in BC and Alberta for not taking the COVID-19 vaccines. No paid leave for those brave doctors, as they didn’t assault children (a requirement for paid leave in BC).

As BC Interior Chief Medical Officer he was responsible for blocking doctors from treating COVID-19 patients with early treatments, he implemented lockdowns, masking and rollout of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in pregnant women, young adults & children.

Please remember, while these healthcare leaders were killing your loved ones by denying them access to early treatments like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and were putting them on ventilators and Remdesivir for profit (with most not surviving lethal Hospital protocols), they were also busy sexually assaulting 7 year old children in their spare time.

And when caught, the leftist BC NDP government, a close ally of the Trudeau Liberal government, paid him an extra $700,000 of taxpayer funds (PAID leave, full salary) for almost two years after he was arrested by RCMP for sexually assaulting children.

Dr.Villiers was paid a massive salary right up to the point when he was convicted and sentenced (a period of almost two years) In Court, he presented 28 letters of reference stating that he is a “good man”, “strong in faith”, a “good friend”, and some top Alberta healthcare Executives pledged they would still trust the accused with their own children Alberta’s healthcare leaders did everything possible to keep him out of jail – these letters must be released to the public and each of the 28 AHS Executives that tried to keep him out of jail must be NAMED publicly.

This scandal should have brought down two Canadian Provincial governments – Premier John Horgan’s BC NDP and Premier Rachel Notley’s Alberta NDP. It also should have ended the political careers of NDP leader

and her NDP Deputy leader

who made Dr.Villiers their PEDIATRIC LEAD, when he had no pediatric credentials. Instead, corrupt Alberta prosecutors protected him by convicting him on only 1 child sexual assault charge instead of the 3 children he was assaulting (that RCMP are aware of) while

protects his license and media doesn’t tell us he worked for Alberta Premier Rachel Notley & Sarah Hoffman as a PEDIATRIC lead, while not being trained as a pediatrician. He was not the only Top Canadian healthcare leader caught sexually assaulting children (that will be revealed in Part 2)

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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Dr. William Makis alleges he refused a $400,000 bribe to cover-up that former AHS CEO Dr. Verna Yiu "murdered or inflicted bodily harm on 2456 Alberta cancer patients". Makis further claims the bribe "was authorized by" former Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley.

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