Stop Classroom Grooming
Young children in elementary school are being asked to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity for a school survey in Ontario.
Some school boards in Ontario are soliciting sexually explicit data on young, school-aged children under the guise of being required by the Ministry of Education.
The information is collected from the surveys to monitor and review the effectiveness of bullying prevention and intervention policies.
Additionally, the survey asks students, parents, and school staff for input on areas important in understanding school climate, specifically focusing on a sense of belonging, positive relations, learning, safety, and well-being.
Nowhere in the notice for the survey does it say that the school will ask your child sexually explicit questions, yet depending on the school board, children are being asked about their sexual orientation.
Educators should not speak to kids about sex or sexuality, especially without parental consent. If you agree, email Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce directly by filling out the form on this page.