I’m delighted to announce the first annual National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day on June 1st!
More about that in a moment, but first, I want to share some relevant background information to set the table… Parental rebellion against school boards indoctrinating children with LGBT propaganda is spreading, right across Canada. Here are a few examples:
- The 16-year-old Josh Alexander who was suspended from his Renfrew, ON Catholic high school for expressing his biblical belief that God made only male and female, is traversing the country, encouraging youth and other Canadians to peacefully resist ideological transgender tyranny.
- A Canadian dad, Chris Elston, a.k.a. Billboard Chris, is making waves as a human sandwich board. He’s educating the public on busy streets across Canada about the bodily mutilation of children, chemically and surgically, that’s occurring, in part, because schools are “affirming” students in the delusion that they were “born in the wrong body”.
- Outside of the education file, but related nonetheless, Norwich Township Council in Ontario recently passed a bylaw to permit only the Canadian, provincial and municipal flags to be flown on township buildings. That effectively banned the LGBT Pride flag. What a God-send!
Mass absence at Eagle Heights Elementary School shows us the way!
Another exciting development is what happened on May 17th at Eagle Heights Elementary School in London, Ontario, which is part of the Thames Valley District School Board.
In an extraordinary mass absence, one-third of the student population or roughly 400 kids, stayed home on that date which the TVDSB had announced it would celebrate the “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia”.
Eagle Heights is the most populous public elementary school in London. It also has a large proportion of Muslim families. Those parents clearly had enough of their kids being brainwashed with LGBT ideology which seeks to separate their children from their religious faith and values.
I would guess another factor for the mass absence was the fear of kids being groomed at these events to question their sex. Due to the rapidly spreading social contagion of children identifying as “transgendered” and demanding to be put on puberty blockers, this is a realistic fear on the minds of a growing number of parents.
Well, Campaign Life Coalition has decided to expand on the amazing leadership demonstrated by the Eagle Heights community. Let’s hold a National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day, on June 1st, the start of so-called gay Pride Month.
How it works is simple…
Step 1. Commit your family’s participation
If you have children in a public or Catholic school where the transgender/homosexual Pride flag has been flown, plan to keep your kid(s) home that day. If you’re a grandparent, talk to your grown children about your grandkids participating in this event. Ditto if you’re an aunt, uncle, or God parent.
Step 2. Confirm the flag raising date
Contact your school principal or vice-principal to confirm whether the flag will be raised on June 1st. The reason for this is that some schools have noticed parents keeping kids away on these LGBT power days, and are sneakily raising the flag earlier, during May, to ensure that no child escapes indoctrination. If your Principal is evasive, be persistent. Demand an answer.
Step 3. Recruit more families
Share the plan with other families at your school and urge them to do the same. Try to recruit as many families as possible so that the number of absent students is unmistakably noticeable. Just to set a goal for yourself, aim for the Eagle Heights standard of 1/3 of the student body.
Here is a printable pdf flyer that you can print off to share with others, or post on your church’s bulletin board. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FLYER.
Step 4. Record Stats
Send Campaign Life Coalition your stats, so that we can try to produce a report afterwards, and establish a benchmark for the next National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day. We won’t divulge any private data. Everything we publish will be anonymized. Enter your stats on our form by clicking here.
More Actions… Pray-In at Catholic Bishops’ Offices
For those of you who are Catholic, another way you can combat the harms of homosexual “Pride Month” is by joining Campaign Life Coalition for a few “pray-ins” we’ve planned on on Thursday, June 1 at the office of various Catholic Bishops and a school board.
Diocese of Hamilton
700 King St. W.
Hamilton, ON L8P 1C7
– Meet at bridge by Breadalbrane and Hunt Sts. intersection
Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall
1209 Michael Street North, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Catholic Education Centre
80 Sheppard Avenue East Toronto, ON M2N 6E8
– This pray-in is a response to an “Honouring Pride Month” assembly being organized by the TCDSB’s “Equity Department” for 9:30 am
Archdiocese of Toronto
1155 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M4T 1W2
Niagara Catholic District School Board
427 Rice Road
Welland, Ontario L3C 7C1
– Not organized by Campaign Life Coalition
CLC will supply signs, should you wish to hold one.
We will spend an hour quietly praying for spiritual leadership – that our Church leaders may publicly demand all institutions and school boards under their respective jurisdictions cease to celebrate LGBT “Pride Month” in any way, including flying or displaying the gay rainbow flag, and that any institution that refuses be stripped of the “Catholic” title.
To be clear—these pray-ins are not protests. We recognize the authority of our priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals. We’re faithfully asking them to exercise that authority, to take the next step in their efforts to restore truth and expose deceit. As members of the laity, we are ringing the alarm bells over the degeneration we’re witnessing in society, and turning to the tried and true recourse of prayer.
If you cannot attend any of these pray-ins, we still encourage you to devote an hour of prayer for this cause sometime during this month.