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Math and Reading Scores Across the U.S. Have Fallen Dramatically, Erasing Two Decades of Progress in Just Two Years

Math and Reading Scores Across the U.S. Have Fallen Dramatically, Erasing Two Decades of Progress in Just Two Years
Math and Reading Scores Across the U.S. Have Fallen Dramatically, Erasing Two Decades of Progress in Just Two Years

🇺🇸@COVID19Up: Math and reading scores for America’s 9-year-olds fell dramatically  during the first two years of the COVID-19 crisis, according to a new federal study—offering an early glimpse of the sheer magnitude of the learning setbacks dealt to the nation’s children.

Reading scores saw their largest decrease in 30 years, while math scores had their first decrease in the history of the testing regimen behind the study, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, a branch of the U.S. Education Department.

The shocking declines hit all regions of the country and affected students of most races. But students of color saw some of the steepest decreases, widening the racial achievement gap.

“These are some of the largest declines we have observed in a single assessment cycle in 50 years of the NAEP program,” said  Daniel McGrath, the acting associate commissioner of NCES. “Students in

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