
Know Your Rights – The Peoples Lawyer

Know Your Rights As Human Being and Not a Part Of Their Corporate Law

Know Your Rights - The Peoples Lawyer
Know Your Rights - The Peoples Lawyer

How To Deal With The Cops And Have The Power. Turn The Tables Against Them Legally.

We must stand up for ourselves in every moment, each time you do you are standing up for Humanity. This is a must watch, a complete look at Society and the law. We must break from their laws and control over us. We The People have the power, we have the strength we must know Common Law.

Know what to say, how to respond to different circumstances. And a deep dive into the Human Rights and your consent. Learn the law against a medical intervention. Consent must be freely given. Stop listening to the Government, the Media, Take The Power Back.

This Human Experiment is a Crime Against Humanity.


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Written by Colin

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