
Here’s a List of All the Woke Garbage You’ll Find in the $1.7 Trillion ‘Omnibus’ Spending Bill

Here’s a List of All the Woke Garbage You’ll Find in the $1.7 Trillion ‘Omnibus’ Spending Bill
Here’s a List of All the Woke Garbage You’ll Find in the $1.7 Trillion ‘Omnibus’ Spending Bill

The $1.7 trillion “omnibus” spending blowout was passed through on the last Friday before Christmas as Washington politicians headed out of town to celebrate their betrayal with copious rounds of eggnog. (See: Nancy Pelosi.)

The latest text of the spending bill released Tuesday included 4,155 pages of items with 7,510 earmarks totaling $1.7 trillion. Tucked within its voluminous pages was the following examples of “Woke garbage.”


  • Massive 14.1% ATF Budget Increase to Facilitate Biden’s Pistol Ban
  • $14.4 Million for ATF’s NTC Budget to Maintain it’s Illegal Near-Billion Record Gun Registry
  • $700+ Million in Funding Available to Bribe States to Pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Laws
  • $750,000 to the “Translatin Coalition”
  • $65 million for restoration of Pacific Salmon Populations
  • $5,000,000 for the White House physician to use for COVID-19 response, including for rapid tests
  • $3 million for Bee-Friendly highways
  • $3.6 million for Michelle Obama Trail
  • $2 million for The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum
  • $2 million for MLK Labor, a labor organization working towards “social and economic justice”
  • $1,500,000 for the COVID–19 American History Project
  • $200 million for a Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund
  • $477,000 for Equity Training for Teachers
  • $300,000 per year for the Continuous Plankton Recorder

When you are celebrating this Christmas with your family amidst massive inflation for food, energy, and holiday presents, don’t forget the Republicans that made this all possible.

The nine House Republicans that voted yes: Liz Cheney (WY), Rodney Davis (IL),  Brian Fitzpatrick (AL), Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA), Chris Jacobs (NY), John Katko (NY), Adam Kinzinger (IL), Fred Upton (MI), and Steve Womack (AR).


The 18 Senate Republicans that voted yes: Roy Blunt (MO), John Boozman (AR), Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Susan Collins (ME), John Cornyn (TX), Tom Cotton (AR), Lindsey Graham (SC), Jim Inhofe (OK), Mitch McConnell (KY), Jerry Moran (KS), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Robert Portman (OH), Mitt Romney (UT), Mike Rounds (SD), Richard Shelby (AL), John Thune (SD), Roger Wicker (MS) and Todd Young (IN).

It should be noted that thirty-one conservatives signed a letter urging Senate Republicans to “use every tool possible to kill this bill,” warning that “failure to do so will result in not only legislative and political consequences, but irrevocable consequences for our nation.”

The GOP Congressmen who betrayed Americans and voted for this bill deserve more than being put on a “naughty list.” They need to be run out of Congress in infamy.

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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