Public Health Scotland (PHS) host a ‘COVID-19 Wider Impacts on the Health Care System’ dashboard on their site that draws on a range of national data sources to provide statistics on the changes in health and use of healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland.
One of those changes in health that PHS have published statistics on is the number of cardiovascular incidents throughout 2020 and 2021 compared to the 2018-2019 average.
Cardiovascular incidents include things such as deep vein thrombosis, heart attack, heart failure, pericardits/myocarditis, and strokes among many other things. But they are all events that may cause damage to the heart muscle.
According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases were already the leading cause of death globally prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
So it’s extremely concerning to find that cardiovascular incidents in Scotland remained mainly in line with the average throughout 2020; even dropping below the average for several months, but then rose significantly in 2021 following the start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.
Medicine regulators around the world have already confirmed myocarditis can be suffered as a possible adverse reaction to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, with children and younger adults being worse affected according to the data, so we know that the Covid-19 vaccines are perfectly capable of causing damage to a persons cardiovascular system, and the following data shows that this has most likely been the case throughout 2021.
Weekly attended Cardiovascular incidents by Scottish Ambulance Service
According to Public Health Scotland weekly 999 calls requesting an ambulance due to a cardiovascular event increased significantly against the 2018-2019 average around the end of February 2021. The highest number of incidents attended was 1,473 in the week ending 4th July, with the historical average shown to be just 918 in the same week. This represents a 60.5% increase in attended cardiovascular incidents.
The highest percentage change in 2021 was recorded among females, with a 74.1% increase in attended cardiovascular incidents in the week ending 4th July. The highest percentage increase among males was recorded in the week prior ending 27th June, with a 66.2% increase in attended cardiovascular incidents
The most concerning find within the PHS data though is that the highest percentage increase in attended cardiovasuclar incidents throughout the past two years, occurred among people aged between 15 and 44. The week ending 11th July, saw a 81.6% increase in attended cardiovascular incidents among this age group.
But when we look back at 2020 we find that 15-44-year-olds saw the largest drop in attended cardiovascular incidents with a -54.1% drop in the week ending 26th April 2020. So what on earth changed in 2021?
The above two charts taken from the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report, show the uptake of dose 1 and dose 2 of the Covid-19 vaccine in England by week and age-group. The uptake will be very similar in Scotland.
We’ve marked two dashed lines on each chart for week 27 and week 28, with the former week being the week ending 4th July which saw the largest increase in attended cardiovascular incidents overall, and the latter week being the week ending 12th July which saw the largest increase in attended cardiovascular incidents among 15-44-year-olds.
We’ll let you be the judge of whether there is anything to take from the two charts in relation to the increase in cardiovascular events.
Weekly Cardiovascular cases in out of hours services in Scotland
PHS also confirm that weekly cardiovascular cases in out of hours services also increased against the historical average from around the end of June 2021, and still seem to be rising further into 2022. The largest increase has come in the week ending 16th Jan 22, with 325 cardiovascular cases recorded against a historical average of 229.
The largest percentage increase was recorded among females, with the week ending 19th Dec 21, seeing a 68.7% increase in cardiovascular cases requiring out of hour services. The largest percentage increase among males was recorded as 57.7% in the week ending 4th July 21.
But yet again the most concerning increase was found to be among 15-44-year-olds who topped the league in the percentage change against the historical average throughout the second half of 2021.
The week ending 11th July saw a 117.6% increase among 15-55-year-olds in cardiovascular cases requiring out of hours services compared to the 2018-2019 average. A trend that has continued into 2022 with the week ending 23rd Jan 22 seeing a 95.2% increase in 15-44-year-olds requiring out of hour services due to cardiovascular events.
No doubt you will have seen some of the ridiculous headlines coming out of mainstream media almost every day in the past month trying to justify why so many Brits are witnessing friends and relatives suffering crippling heart attacks and strokes.