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German Health Minister Admits ‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’ Narrative Was A Load Of Crap, Blames ‘Software’ Error

German Health Minister Admits 'Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated' Narrative Was A Load Of Crap, Blames 'Software' Error
German Health Minister Admits 'Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated' Narrative Was A Load Of Crap, Blames 'Software' Error

The German government has admitted that the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” narrative they used to oppress purebloods was based off a “software” error which incorrectly told them 90% of new covid cases were among the unvaccinated.

In fact, in most cases “they didn’t even know who was vaccinated and who was not,” the National Pulse reports.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, the top health official in Germany whose position is equivalent to the CDC director in America, claimed last week that “it was a mistake” and “was not done on purpose in order to largely blame the unvaccinated for the pandemic.”

From The National Pulse, “Oppressive COVID Measures for the Unvaccinated Were Based on ‘Software’ Error, Claims German Minister”:

The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was caused by a computer glitch. That was the conclusion of the Health Minister of Germany Karl Lauterbach, after months of vilifying the unvaccinated in the nation’s second largest city, Hamburg.

In November 2021, news outlets reported on the increasing “incident numbers” in the city — where the figure grew from 111.6 infected people per 100,000 to 160 per 100,000 in a span of few of days. By the end of November, that number shot up from 209.2 to a record of 223.3.

The ostensibly drastic increases have been used to legitimize new COVID policy measures in the city. First, 2G (vaccinated or recovered) status limitation was announced in order to enter shops, restaurants, and clubs. Social contact limitation was mandated for the unvaccinated. After the order, Mayor Peter Tschentscher, claimed to observe an increase in vaccination numbers, and implied it was the only way out of the pandemic.

Now, an investigation from the Sueddeutscher Zeitung and Welt newspapers has found that the numbers in Hamburg’s Social Services departments were drastically skewed and, in most cases, they didn’t even know who was vaccinated and who was not. This, however, did not stop them classifying everyone with an unknown status as unvaccinated. Indeed, by the end of November, a whopping 70 percent of the positive cases had unknown status.

In the second week of November, the Mayor of Hamburg held a press conference and incorrectly claimed that 90 percent of all new infections were amongst the unvaccinated. In addition, he alleged the 7-day infection average for the unvaccinated was at 605 per 100,000 and just 22 in 100,000 for the vaccinated.

Furthermore, the Welt newspaper received the following answer regarding the classifications from Hamburg’s Senate:

“…The categorization (used in Hamburg) matches to the one used nationwide…”

Until this weekend, the data on how the classifications are made and how the final numbers are “calculated” have not been made public. The mayor claimed by the end of December that the reason for the misclassifications were caused by deploying “different IT Systems”, where each system used different classifier.

On January 17th, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach had the following to say:

“…with the situation in Hamburg… I can claim without a doubt, that the problem was in the automatic classifier of the software. The problem is solved now… and it was a mistake and was not done on purpose in order to largely blame the unvaccinated for the pandemic…”

Omicron spread like wildfire among the fully vaccinated and landed tons in the hospital but the “winter of death” for the unvaccinated has not materialized.When are CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci going to apologize for pushing the same lie?

We know from Humetrix’s study for the Department of Defense’s Project Salus which looked at Medicare data hidden from the general public that “fully vaccinated” Medicare patients made up an estimated 60% of hospitalizations in the week ending August 7th and were more than 71 percent of COVID-19 cases as of August 21.

It has been five months since that data leaked out and no one from the administration has apologized or even acknowledged it publicly.

Instead, Biden and his cronies just last month told purebloods to prepare to die.

“For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death–for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm,” White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeff Zients said, echoing statements Biden himself made.

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daily news death in United States (2)

Omicron spread like wildfire among the fully vaccinated and landed tons in the hospital but the “winter of death” for the unvaccinated has not materialized.

Thanks to Omicron, deaths are actually way down from previous highs despite record cases.

daily news death in United States
daily news death in United States


daily news death in United States
daily news death in United States

These lies were used to sell the public on all the tyrannical lockdown measures and “vaccine” mandates — not to mention viciously smear the unvaccinated as lepers — and they’ve now been shown to be a load of crap.

The time to apologize and resign in shame was yesterday!

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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German Health Minister says Tyrannical Covid-19 Restrictions for Unvaccinated were based on “Software Error”

German Health Minister says Tyrannical Covid-19 Restrictions for Unvaccinated were based on “Software Error”