In this episode, we present new original research showing that the C19 vaccinated individuals have a fluorescent orange glow of their face that is visible under UV light at 365nm. C19 unvaccinated individuals who have been exposed to shedding have a little of it around their nose. We discuss the filaments that come out of C19 vaccinated individuals body after a hot shower and can be detected with UV light. These behave like Morgellons, an advanced nano-technological artificial synthetic life form. We discuss our research on this phenomenon and my microscopy analysis.
You can watch below on substack.
I updated this post after Justin told me the filaments I analyzed came from C19 vaccinated skin – I initially understood these were environmental filaments.
Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Vaccinated Individuals Skin Glowing Under UV Light: Darkfield Microscopy

Image: Environmental filaments collected in regular light and under UV light
I updated this post after my follow up meeting with Justin, when he told me that the origin of the filaments was the skin of C19 vaccinated individuals. We discussed this on my show Episode 7.
I was visited by Dr. Justin Coy, a former Defense Department Contractor who has been following and validating my research. He brought me a filament sample and a UV flashlight – 365nm. In this post, I am documenting the darkfield microscopy of these filaments and experiments with UV light. He was suspecting Luciferase to be present in the filaments and asked me to take a look. From my research there are metal nanoparticles in the filaments and they can cause fluorescence. Luciferase is used in in molecular biology that uses the luciferase enzyme and a substrate (such as luciferin) to study gene regulation at the level of transcription. I do not think that is the mechanism of the fluorescence of the polymers as other mechanisms using metals have been described in the literature and since Clifford Carnicoms analysis showed huge amounts of metals in the filaments that could be plausible.
There have been developments of bright orange proteins fused with Luciferase in biological systems – this remains a question for further research and discovery.
Novel NanoLuc substrates enable bright two-population bioluminescence imaging in animals
We know that embedded Quantum Dot technology can make filaments emit different light and filaments found in the blood have been shown to have bifringence. We also know that UV light can be used as an energy source by nano sensors which can embed themselves in the self assembly polymers. Karl C has done some remarkable microscopy research showing this unusual light emission which I posted here: Extraordinary Microscopy Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology – A Request For Funding Help For Karl C

Here are different images of the filaments analyzed by me observing how they change with normal light and then UV light:

Image: Darkfield Microscopy: UV light off left, UV light on right

Image above: normal light

Image: UV light
I then wanted to see if different aspects of the filament react differently to UV light, and they appear to. Some areas are more luminescent then others.

Image: UV light on, both pictures.
Below you can see a closer view of the filament under UV light, and there being very specific region that react to the UV light more:

Off the orange appearing filament a white one came forth. Magnification of 2000x on the right shows a central cavitation of the filament

Below you can see the orange environmental filament compared to a “self assembly nanotechnology hydrogel” filament from shedding in C19 unvaccinated blood with many visible Quantum Dot like structures seen embedded. The filament composition look the same except the colors differ.

Here are different areas of the filament that have enormous glow under UV light, magnification 2000x:

Here is an area of the filament with UV light:

Same without UV light: