Several names linked to Epstein are already emerging—will Bill Clinton and Bill Gates be mentioned?
UPDATE: The Gateway Pundit’s legal counsel provided us with this statement on Monday’s development in the Epstein case.
On December 18, 2023, Judge Loretta Preska of the federal court for the Southern District of New York issued an order unsealing a large number of documents relating to 187 John Does. The identity of the Does, all individuals who are somehow related to the Giufre case, has been kept under seal by the court for years. For the past three years, various litigants, including The Gateway Pundit and other press have fought hard to unseal documents related to the Does. The documents are widely anticipated to shed some light on individuals spending time with Jeffery Epstein and perhaps traveling to his infamous island. While it seems like the public will now finally be able to see at least a portion of records, the public may yet be set for another frustration: Judge Preska froze her order from becoming effective for two weeks, to permit lawyers for the anonymous Does to file objections to the unsealing of the records. The case is Virginia Giufre v. Ghislaine Maxwell.
Dozens of Jeffrey Epstein’s high profile associates are in for a New Year’s surprise as they will be named in court documents set to be released in the first days of 2024.
But The Daily Mail has already apparently identified the names of multiple individuals connected to Epstein.
Doe 24 is identified directly by name. This is Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who previously called for all material related to him to be made public. Dershowitz is the only John Doe identified by name at this point.
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As our readers may recall – In July, 2022, Gateway Pundit lawyers Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman of the Randazza Legal Group, along with GP General Counsel John Burns filed a motion to intervene in the Guiffre v. Maxwell case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
GP requested the Court to unseal all records identifying Epstein’s Sex Clients.
You can read a copy of the brief here.
In August, 2022 the federal judge overseeing the case, denied Gateway Pundit’s efforts to unseal the documents.
HOWEVER, Gateway Pundit filed an appeal to the federal Second Circuit Court of Appeals, demanding that GP and the public be allowed to access the Epstein Sex Client list.
** See HERE for GP’s Opening Appellate Brief.
On February 27, 2023, a “John Doe” interested party (a person whose identity had been sealed by the court because of their affiliation with Epstein) filed a Brief opposing Gateway Pundit’s appeal and asking the Court of Appeals to deny the brief.
The “John Doe”’s arguments are extremely lame. “Doe” merely argues that Gateway Pundit waited too long to request the arguments. According to “Doe,” GP and the public have no interest in the Epstein sex client list because too much time has transpired.
Now this…
On Monday the judge in the case has ordered a vast unsealing of Epstein’s contacts to take place within 14 days!
The Daily Mail reported:
Judge Loretta Preska wrote ‘unsealed in full’ next to the names of 177 Does who are Epstein’s friends, recruiters, victims and others whose names will be revealed when the material is released within the coming weeks.
The material is related to a defamation case brought by Prince Andrew’s accuser Virginia Roberts in New York against Epstein’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell.
Roberts sued Maxwell for defamation in 2016 and while the case was settled, media outlets filed in order to have the documents made public.
Some of the Does are identified in the ruling through links to interviews they have given to the media, which the judge cited as a reason why they should not stay private.
They include the housekeepers on Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean where some of the worst abuse that he perpetrated was carried out.
In her ruling Judge Preska gave 14 days for any Does who objected to their documents being made public to object, after which they would be unsealed.
The Daily Mail report includes several names of caretakers and associates of Jeffrey Epstein.