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117x Increase in Kids’ Myocarditis in Canada

117x Increase in Kids’ Myocarditis in Canada

New data from a major Canadian hospital shows an increase of 117 times of children with myocarditis since the Covid-19 vaccine rollout. This follows recent evidence on how badly the Covid “vaccines” affect babies and pregnant mothers.

Large Canadian hospital: before COVID, they’d see 2 cases per year. Now they see 27 in just 6 weeks. That’s a 117X increase. But the CDC says it’s only ‘slightly elevated.’

The IWK Health Centre is a major pediatric hospital and trauma center in Halifax, Nova Scotia that provides care to maritime youth, children and women from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and beyond.

They’ve seen 27 myocarditis cases in a 6 week period for kids under 18. Normally, they see 2 cases a year. So they are seeing an increase of 117X the normal rate.

I heard this from a hospital insider. Don’t expect them to publicly say anything. That’s just not the way it works nowadays.

Since the baseline rate of myocarditis in kids is 1 per 100,000, this suggests that we are seeing 1 per 1,000 kids vaccinating getting myocarditis and it’s probably even more than that especially since the Thailand study showed almost 30% of kids sustain cardiac injury of some sort from the vaccines.

Since there are nearly 80 M kids under 18 in the US, if all of them got vaccinated, we’d expect to see 80,000 kids with myocarditis which is always very serious.”

As I have emphasized before, myocarditis has a five-year mortality rate for about 66% of people. That means two-thirds of the children who develop myocarditis will probably die within five years. That’s appalling.


Kirsch said in August that there had been at least 5 million Covid vaccine-induced deaths worldwide—possibly as much as 12 million. There is a mass genocide going on, and the greatest tragedy is how much it is harming children.

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Written by colinnew

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