
False Flags, Provocateurs either Government Agents or Media Playing Games in Ottawa for Truckers Rally

The Fake News Tries To Say There Are Neo Nazis At The Truckers Rally. Obviously the people trapped in elder care homes might by it, but the rest of the world you have lost all credibility.

What a Joke The Media Is So Fake.
Seems The Media Were The Only Ones To See These Provocateurs.

Seems The Media Were The Only Ones To See These Provocateurs.

#flutrucksclan #TrudeauIsACoward The Marxist Stae Media is nothing more than State Run Actors.

Hey David Chan, Why Not Show His Hidden Face. This is a lie, who is he?
Hey David Chan, Why Not Show His Hidden Face? This is a lie, who is he?

This Guy Is Claimed By The Marxist State Media As A Trucker in Support…Laughable. No way, face covering including the eyes. I would have ripped his face covering off to expose the Trutth.

ARVE Error: The [[arve]] shortcode needs one of this attributes av1mp4, mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, url

This Guy is a Provocateur.

The Marxist State Media you work for is nothing more than Propaganda and you are playing a part in trying to enslave humanity. You are a despicable person. Come out with the truth so you can live with yourself and all the lies you commit for a paycheque.



What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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