


Location: First Floor, Wing D

Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (Wednesdays hours are 9:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)


Office: 210-292-3725/5877

Fax: 210-292-5806

About Us:

The THMEU is a global clinical resource for all Department of the Air Force (to include Air Reserve Component and Air National Guard, as well as Space Force) members seeking to initiate or continue gender transition while in service and a consultative resource for Military Treatment Facility (MTF) providers and Commanders working with Transgender service members. The THMEU provides clinical recommendations based on current Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of the Air Force (DAF) policies as well as the latest Endocrine Society guidelines and other clinical standards for transgender care in order to ensure a safe and medically appropriate transition for all Total Force Airmen. Most recently, the THMEU was directed to oversee the profiling of all airmen diagnosed with gender dysphoria, thus ensuring optimal readiness and deployability for this patient population.


The THMEU offers a 4-day Medical TDY which provides evaluation and management services from several medical and surgical subspecialties. The week also includes policy, process, and clinical education to patients both new and farther along in transition. It also serves to efficiently develop and coordinate the patient’s required medical treatment plan. In addition, the TDY week allows patients to network with other transgender service members, a valuable opportunity especially for those members serving in more austere environments.


The THMEU offers other services such as educational platforms on transgender clinical care and military policy for patients, staff providers, and other members of the Air Force. Direct patient care for cross-sex hormone therapy, mental health services, speech therapy, and surgical consults is available globally via telehealth, ensuring access to medically necessary care for this patient population across the Air Force Medical Service. The unit also conducts quality improvement and research studies on transgender health.

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Written by colinnew

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