
Watch The World Shift And Start To Protest By The Millions

We Will Cripple The Resources of The Globalists and Governments Around The World

Record Numbers Are Protesting, THE COVID LIE IS BREAKING
Record Numbers Are Protesting, THE COVID LIE IS BREAKING

So many protestors around the world out in record numbers around the world This Oct 7Th 2021 Weekend



We Have Trudeau The Traitor And Poland Has. Leader Of The People.


Iranian’s Protesting Iran Protesting Against Medical Tyranny. These Vaccines Are Poison, The World Is Waking Up.


Netherlands Has Unique And Powerful Protest. The Narrative On Pushing Jabs On Kids is Over


Australia has Woken, The Citizens Are Getting Out In Numbers, As We All Must

Genoa Italy Out in Party Protest.

What do you think?

Written by Colin

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