A new study proves once again what parents and educators should already know: Mask mandates were entirely ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid-19 throughout the pandemic.
It is vital to revisit this issue as Biden administration officials decry the harm done to children’s educational and social development throughout the Covid response. It wasn’t the virus itself that did the brunt of the damage, it was the experts’ policies.
The new study in pre-print publication at Research Square focuses on North Dakota schools, but it reinforces the conclusions of more sweeping studies, such as one published at “The Lancet” in May.
The researchers from the University of Southern California, University of California, Davis and Truth in Data, LLC, unpacked the school mask mandate data.
“School districts across the nation have implemented mask mandates for children in the hope of reducing COVID-19 transmission, but the impact of school-based mask mandates on COVID-19 transmission in children is not fully established,” the authors write. “While observational studies of school mask mandates have had conflicting results, randomized studies have failed to detect an impact of masking on participants under 50 years of age.”
“Here we report the results of a natural experiment in two large K-12 school districts in Fargo, North Dakota, Fargo Public Schools (FPS) and West Fargo Public Schools (WF), to estimate the association between school mask mandates and COVID-19 infections,” the authors continue. “Our study population is unique because the districts are adjacent to each other in the same county and have similar student demographics, COVID-19 mitigation policies and staff vaccination rates. At the start of the Fall 2021 semester, FPS mandated masks and WF did not. On January 17, 2022, FPS also moved to a mask optional policy, creating a unique natural experiment to study school-based mask mandates.”
The authors conclusions clearly demonstrate that there was no significant difference between the school districts.