
Is Chinese President Xi Jinping under house arrest?

Is Chinese President Xi Jinping under house arrest?

Is Chinese President Xi Jinping under house arrest
Is Chinese President Xi Jinping under house arrest


  • Chinese President Xi Jinping is currently under house arrest, several media reports claimed
  • Reports claimed that international and domestic flights to and from Beijing have been halted
  • Military vehicles of the PLA also allegedly were going towards Beijing on 22 September

Chinese President Xi Jinping is currently under house arrest, several media reports claimed on Saturday, adding that the capital Beijing is currently under army control. The reports have not been confirmed by either Chinese credible media, or have been independently confirmed by India TV.

The reports claimed further that international and domestic flights to and from Beijing have been halted, and that the city has been cut off from the rest of the world. Claims add that President Xi Jinping has been put under house arrest after he was removed from the post of PLA chief.


A report by News Highland Vision stated that ex-Chinese President Hu Jintao and former PM Wen Jibao persuaded Song Ping, a former member of the Standing Committee, to join them and take control of the Central Guard Bureau. The CGB is responsible for the security of the President, and the standing committee of the ruling Communist Party of China.

Army convoys leading to Beijing?

Videos that surfaced on social media from unverified accounts suggest large army convoys taking rounds around Beijing. Tweets mention that President Jinping has been sacked.



The videos add that the large army convoy is about 80 km long and is headed to Beijing. Rumours suggest that military vehicles of the PLA were going towards Beijing on 22 September. The convoy allegedly started from  Huanlai County near Beijing, ending in the city of Zhangjiakou.

Xi detained at the airport: Reports

As soon as Jintao and Jibao took control of the CGB, rumours add, members of the Central Committee in Beijing were intimated on the phone. This led to Jinping allegedly being detained at the airport when he returned from Samarkand in Uzbekistan, where he attended the SCO summit. Reports stated that the members of CGB have had several closed-door meetings in the past 10 days. The same reports add that this action was taken with the aim of taking power away from Xi.

It is also being said that while Xi Jinping was at Samarkand, the ex-PM and President had plotted against the President. This was a result of Xi’s probability to become the Chinese President for the third consecutive time.

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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