
Initiated by Brooke Whitman-Roberts from Nelson, British Columbia Original language of petition:

Petition to the Minister of Health

  • Health Canada is proposing to significantly change natural health product (NHPs) regulations. We rely on NHPs, which include basic everyday products such as supplements, toothpaste, vitamins, probiotics, and mineral SPF, as part of our proactive healthcare;
  • If we don’t act immediately, consumer prices will rise significantly, and consumer choice will decline drastically, when inflation is at an all-time high and access to healthcare is at an all-time low;
  • Health Canada recently proposed new and significant fees to import, manufacture, and sell NHPs at the same time they are implementing new labelling laws;
  • This is unfair, unrealistic, and so costly to industry that it will force many small to medium-sized businesses to shut down Canadian operations;
  • The burden of these costs for those that can afford the changes will be passed down to the consumer, and these are not changes or fees Canadians can afford;
  • Increasing fees and additional labelling does not promote safety for taking NHPs, it makes products more expensive; and
  • In fact, this overregulation will force consumers to seek out products online which could lead people purchasing non-compliant, unregulated NHPs from outside of Canada.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to work with the industry to embrace modern labelling and adjust Health Canada’s proposed cost recovery rates to accurately reflect the size and scope of the industry; and that new regulatory changes should only be implemented once the Self-Care Framework is adjusted and backlogs are cleared, operations run efficiently, and there are policies and procedures in place to ensure the stable operations continue.

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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