‘Misinformation’ industry is just a partisan front to censor legitimate information.
A new Harvard study that will shock the world has found that misinformation ‘fact checkers’ overwhelmingly hold left-wing political views.
Who could have seen this one coming?
Data from Harvard Misinformation Review shows that out of 150 “misinformation experts,” only 5 per cent lean “slightly right” in their political opinions.
10 per cent are centrists and the other 85 per cent lean slightly left, left-wing, or far-left.
The study also explains the blindingly obvious fact that individuals with left-wing beliefs won’t be able to spot left-wing misinformation because they’ll either ignore it or actively like it.
“Even if they do notice, they will likely ignore it because they think it supports the right “ground truth” or because treating it as misinformation would be awkward within their social milieu,” notes the study.
In others words, ‘it’s okay when we do it!’
We have documented innumerable examples where the ‘fact checker industrial’complex’ is merely used as a ploy to censor accurate information that makes the left look bad.
The most infamous example is the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was ‘fact-checked’ as Russian “misinformation” and buried by social media giants in order to swing the election in Joe Biden’s favor.
As soon as Biden was elected, the Washington Post announced it wouldn’t even bother fact-checking his claims.
‘Fact checkers’ also previously demanded that YouTube censor more videos for “misinformation,” with one of the reasons being that no one is watching their content.
The industry is also obsessed with ‘fact-checking’ memes that make fun of left-wing political leaders.
“Who could have imagined that “misinformation” was a partisan slur used to marginalise and deplatform the political enemies of communists?” remarked Carl Benjamin.