‘Illegally mandated COVID‐19 vaccines may be killing dozens of young Canadian doctors and putting thousands of doctors at high risk of severe injury and death,’ Alberta-based doctor and cancer researcher William Makis pointed out.
Alberta-based doctor and cancer researcher William Makis said in a September letter to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) that it should not “stay silent” regarding the “illegally mandated COVID‐19 vaccines” and their alleged link to the sudden suspicious deaths of countless Canadian doctors.
Makis wrote that “illegally mandated COVID‐19 vaccines may be killing dozens of young Canadian doctors and putting thousands of doctors at high risk of severe injury and death.”
“I am urging you to remember your ethics and Oath,” he added.
The letter, which was sent to CMA presidents Dr. Alika Lafontaine and Dr. Katharine Smart, also called upon the CMA to stop all COVID vaccine mandates for healthcare workers.
He noted how the still “experimental” jabs have been “aggressively and unethically” promoted.
“CMA also supported illegal and unscientific COVID‐19 vaccine mandates that were forced upon Canada’s 92,000 doctors by corrupt health bureaucrats,” Makis wrote.
“CMA did so in violation of its own CMA Code of Ethics, and both of you participated in these ethics violations. You betrayed not only your physician members but the Canadian public that CMA serves. This is unprecedented in CMA’s 155-year history.”
Makis, in a recent social media post, said he has tracked the deaths of 32 young Canadian doctors whom he said have “died suddenly in the past 16 months while fully COVID-19 vaccinated.”
“These doctors were actively practicing medicine & were healthy prior to taking illegally mandated COVID-19 Vaccines (2, 3 or 4 doses),” Makis wrote.
“I’ve sent a letter to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Presidents Dr. Alika Lafontaine & Dr. Katharine Smart, both of whom supported COVID-19 Vaccine mandates on all of Canada’s 92,000 doctors and I urged them to call for IMMEDIATE termination of all COVID-19 Vaccine mandates in Canada’s healthcare, as well as Investigations & Public Inquiries into these sudden deaths. CMA cannot continue to ignore this catastrophe.”
Both Lafontaine and Smart have publicly stated their approval of the experimental COVID shots, with Lafontaine saying in 2021 that the jabs are safe.
According to two recent medical studies from Europe, it is blood damage that explains the many harmful impacts of COVID shots.
Young men in particular are more likely to experience heart inflammation brought on by the COVID vaccines.
Indeed, recent autopsy data shows a close association between the COVID mRNA vaccines and heart inflammation, instead of a link between the COVID virus itself and heart issues.
All Canadian provinces had in place for a time mandatory vaccine policies for healthcare workers. Many doctors and nurses opposed to the mandates spoke out, with some of them losing their jobs or being censured as a result.
In his letter to the CMA, Makis said the sudden deaths of young doctors are “highly suspicious for COVID-19 Vaccine Injury, as these previously healthy doctors died suddenly while engaging in regular physical activity, died unexpectedly in their sleep, suffered heart attacks, strokes, unusual accidents, or developed sudden onset aggressive cancers.”
“Pfizer and Moderna may not be legally liable for their defective pharmaceutical products, but in publicly promoting their forceful use on Canada’s doctors, you are both legally liable, and so is CMA,” he added.
Shortly before approving the COVID shots, the Canadian federal government created Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP).
Canada was one of only a handful of nations that did not have a vaccine injury compensation program until the COVID injections were approved for use in late 2020.
In December 2020, VISP was launched after the Canadian government gave vaccine makers a shield from liability regarding COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries.
According to VISP, there have been 774 people who have applied to the program for compensation from June 2021 until June 1, 2022, with 654 of these claims being deemed “admissible.”
COVID vaccine mandates have split Canadian society, and the shots approved for use in Canada have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.
Last month, Makis raised the alarm over the rise in sudden deaths” of Canadian doctors and warned at the time that there would be “many more deaths to come” because of the COVID shots.
LifeSiteNews has reported on many of these deaths, with the ages of the doctors ranging from 27 to 62, with the majority of them being men.
Many Canadian doctors have been canceled for speaking out against the COVID injections.
Last month, Dr. Jeff Matheson from Ontario had his medical license suspended for nine months by his provincial medical regulator after giving an interview highlighting the harmfulness of the COVID shots.
The COVID jab trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. In fact, evidence suggests that the jabs no longer even reduce severe symptoms, especially considering the ever-changing viral variants, and that they are harming more people than helping.
Also, data from the World Health Organization along with the European Union, and America’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), indicated millions of injuries along with tens of thousands of deaths linked to the shots. This is more than all vaccines combined since 1990.