
Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Police Striking Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died on Jan. 6

Heavily redacted bodycam videos from the West Terrace tunnel on Jan. 6, 2021, provide a glimpse into conditions at the time Rosanne Boyland lay unconscious—including the sound of her being beaten with a large wooden stick by police.

Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Police Striking Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died on Jan. 6
Bodycam Footage Shows DC Metro Police Striking Unconscious Trump Supporter Who Died on Jan. 6

Several bodycam videos obtained by The Epoch Times have much of the screen blurred out by authorities, but key audio and video clues back up witness statements and other videos previously released by the U.S.


A 39-second video clip from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department shows the gloved hand of Officer Lila Morris picking up a long stick that was lying alongside an unconscious Rosanne Boyland, and then striking the prone woman multiple times. The sound of the stick making contact with Boyland’s body is clearly audible.THIS GUY LITERALLY DESTROYS THE MARXIST STATE MEDIA.


After the attack, a protester can be heard screaming: “Guys, stop! We don’t need to do this! We don’t need to do this!”

Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Ga., died on Jan. 6 after being trampled by a crowd of protesters trying to escape being gassed by police inside the West Terrace tunnel entrance to the U.S. Capitol.

A variety of videos show Boyland struck by a weapon wielded by a D.C. Metropolitan Police Department officer, later identified as Lila Morris.

The Epoch Times reported on Feb. 10 that the beating of Boyland, who was unconscious at the time, by Morris was deemed to be “objectively reasonable” after an investigation by the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau.

The DC medical examiner said Boyland died of an accidental overdose of Adderall, a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That ruling has drawn skepticism and outrage from Boyland’s friends and family. Her father, Bret Boyland, said Rosanne had been taking Adderall for about 10 years.

On the 39-second video, protester Luke Coffee of Dallas wielded an aluminum crutch and held it up in front of officers after Boyland was struck by officer Morris. “Stop! Stop!” implored Coffee, who was hit with pepper spray.


A few seconds later, a protester shouted, “You killed her, [expletive] pigs!”

A longer bodycam video clip picked up the dialogue: “We’ve got a man down here, dying!” someone said. “A man may be dead!” Another person shouted: “A medic! Now!”



In the far lower right part of the screen, Boyland is seen being given CPR after bystanders moved her away from the police line. Ronald McAbee, a sheriff’s deputy from Williamson County, Tenn., can be seen digging through a backpack, possibly looking for medical supplies.

A group of men carried an unconscious Boyland and set her down directly in front and center of the police line. “She’s [expletive] dead!” someone shouted. “You murdered her!” Another added: “She’s dying! She’s dying!” None of the police officers moved to render aid.

One of the protesters administered CPR to Boyland. “Compression! I need compression!” someone shouted.

Police then grabbed Boyland by the feet and dragged her on her back into the tunnel. Her lips are purple and her skin appears gray. A small amount of blood is visible below her nose. One witness said Morris’ final blow with the stick hit Boyland in the face and caused a nose bleed.

“That’s on you, mother[expletive],” an enraged protester shouted at police. “That’s on you, mother[expletive]. You kill us, mother[expletive]!”

This is an excerpt from The Epoch Times.


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Written by colinnew

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