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Blockbuster Report: ZERO Young Healthy People Died from Covid, According to Israeli Ministry of Health Study

Blockbuster Report: ZERO Young Healthy People Died from Covid, According to Israeli Ministry of Health Study
Blockbuster Report: ZERO Young Healthy People Died from Covid, According to Israeli Ministry of Health Study

The Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) responded to a formal request from attorney Ori Xabi, stating that there were zero deaths among individuals aged 18-49 with no underlying health conditions.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Xabi had filed a freedom of information request to obtain information on the average age of COVID-19 deaths segmented by vaccination status, deaths of individuals under 50 without underlying health conditions, and the number of cardiac arrest cases between 2018 and 2022. The MOH did not provide any additional comments regarding the data.

Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, emphasized that the number zero is indisputable and questions the necessity of extreme measures such as school closures, vaccinating children, and lockdowns.

“Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,”  Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, told The Epoch Times.

“Why were all the extreme measures of school closures, vaccination of children, and lockdowns needed?” he added.

The MOH’s response revealed that the average age of vaccinated COVID-19 patients who died was 80.2 years, while the average age for the unvaccinated was 77.4 years. It also noted that the available data on underlying diseases is limited and relies on information provided by patients or their relatives, based on epidemiological investigations.

The MOH’s response raises questions as it contradicts previous statements about having access to comprehensive data on deceased patients, including underlying diseases. It justified measures like vaccinating pregnant women and young people by claiming they were also at risk, but the data now indicates otherwise.

Yehezkelli stated that the MOH’s false presentation of the dangers of COVID-19 has eroded public trust and highlighted the disease’s predominantly elderly impact.

Regarding cardiac arrest data, the MOH provided information for 2018 to 2020 but stated that data for 2021 and 2022 were not yet available. A study analyzing emergency medical services calls in Israel indicated a 25 percent increase in cardiac arrest cases among 16- to 39-year-olds between January and May 2021, coinciding with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

The MOH denied any connection between the study’s findings and the COVID-19 vaccines, despite attacking the study and the researchers. The MOH claimed that they possess limited information based on cases with epidemiological investigations and responses regarding underlying diseases.

An ongoing administrative appeal by Xabi and colleagues has compelled the MOH to commit to publishing comprehensive mortality data segmented by vaccination status and age by the end of the month. The appeal follows a previous FOI request that went unanswered, and subsequent data provided by the MOH has been incomplete.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly granted ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ for Covid vaccinations for children as young as five years old.

Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, there have been a reported 1,822 children who have died with Covid. This is a mortality rate of 0.002%.

Additionally, 95% of these children have serious underlying health conditions, making the mortality rate for healthy children 0.0001%. Covid has never presented a higher risk to children than that of the seasonal flu.

What do you think?

Written by colinnew

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