
Australian way of life is under sustained and aggressive assault’: Dean

Australia Belt & Road. SHTF News From Down Under With a Small Victory.

Australia Belt & Road
Australia Belt & Road. Real And Scary News

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the Australian way of life is under “sustained and aggressive assault” from Communist China, the Great Reset and climate change activism. Mr Dean warned against the totalitarian Chinese agenda and the threat posed by the Asian superpower to the Western world. He also highlighted the growing power of the “globalists and eco-fascists” committed to pursuing and bringing about the Great Reset. Finally, Mr Dean addressed the “doomsday” climate change narrative which has infiltrated the education system and important cultural institutions. “We are here to fight and to win the battles for common sense and traditional values,” he said.

It’s easy to vote your way in the socialism, the problem is you have to shoot your way out.

What do you think?

Written by Colin

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