- The Facts:
- CDC data that was released on October 3 of this year shows approximately 783,000 people reported seeking medical attention for what they perceived to be a serious adverse reaction after getting their COVID-19 vaccine.
- The data comes from a cluster of approximately 10 million people who utilized the V-safe system from December 14 2020 to July 31, 2022.
- The CDC released the data after being sued over not making it public.
- Serious adverse reactions include emergency rooms visits, hospitalizations and death.
- Reflect On:
- Why has the mainstream failed to have an appropriate discussion regarding vaccine injuries?
- Are they really as rare as we are made to believe?
- Why is the safety of these vaccines unquestionable in the eyes of so many?
- Have they come across this data?
Approximately 783,000 people reported seeking medical attention for what they perceived to be a serious adverse reaction after getting their COVID-19 vaccine. This comes from data released on October 3, 2022 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) following a lawsuit to obtain this information.
The ‘serious adverse reactions’ include emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Another 2.4 million people reported needing to miss work, school or other normal activities. These particular reactions would be considered less severe.
They maintain that COVID-19 vaccines are completely safe and effective, and the probability of a serious adverse reaction is extremely rare.
This data compliments reports that have poured into vaccine injury surveillance systems around the world like the World Health Organizations VigiAcces System, for example, in record amounts. Millions of people around the world have reported what they believe to be serious adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. Approximately 50 percent of vaccine injuries reported to VAERS in the last 30 years, for example, are all from COVID vaccines.
The reports were made to the CDC’s V-safe program, a new vaccine safety monitoring system to which users can report issues through smartphones. The CDC released the data to the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) after being sued over not producing the data when it was requested by the nonprofit. ICAN posted a dashboard summarizing the data.
The data comes from a cluster of approximately 10 million people who utilized the V-safe system from December 14 2020 to July 31, 2022. During that time, about 231 million Americans received at least one vaccine dose during that time.
CDC researchers had presented summaries of the V-safe data during meetings with the agency’s vaccine advisory panel but did not release the data for outside researchers to analyze. CDC researchers have said that V-safe raised no new safety concerns.
We’ve also seen the retention of data from federal health regulatory agencies in other countries as well. For example, researchers in Israel found that many serious side effects from COVID-19 vaccines were in fact long-term, including ones not listed by Pfizer, and established a causal relationship with the vaccine. Yet, instead of publishing the findings to the public, the Ministry of Health withheld the findings for nearly two months.
When it finally released in an official document, it misrepresented and manipulated the findings, minimized the extent of reports, and stated that no new adverse events (“signals”) were found. It further stated that the events that were detected were not caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite.
“In fact, since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, many Israeli experts have expressed serious concerns regarding the ability of the IMOH to monitor the safety of the vaccine and provide reliable data to the world. Nevertheless, the IMOH told the Israeli public, the FDA, and the entire world that they have a surveillance system, and that they are closely monitoring the data.”
ICAN is going to keep pressing to obtain more of the V-safe data. U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman ordered the parties to meet and confer regarding what other data the group will seek following the CDC production of the data.
Pitman said the parties will then file a joint status report “that proposes any additional deadlines that the parties determine are necessary for the resolution of this matter.”
Multiple top doctors and scientists have been emphasizing that this signal is strong throughout the pandemic, and something that needs to be looked at.
For example, a new research paper authored by a prominent UK cardiologist and evidence-based medicine expert has concluded that use of mRNA COVID vaccines should be halted until independent investigators are given access to the raw data from the clinical trials. He’s one of many who have shared this opinion, and has a result have been subjected to censorship, which seems to be spearheaded by multiple government agencies.
In fact, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed Assembly Bill 2098 into law, which allows the state’s medical board to punish doctors for disseminating “misinformation” or “disinformation” regarding covid-19.
The new law states that doctors should not contradict “scientific consensus” on covid-19, or they could be charged with “unprofessional conduct,” and possibly have their medical license suspended or revoked.
Several scientists are now involved in a lawsuit filed by the states of Louisiana and Missouri. The lawsuit alleged that the Biden administration worked with tech companies to censor American citizens discussing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The censorship, ridicule and stigmatization has been quite clear over the past couple of years.
It’s a deep rabbit hole to dive in to, with lots of data and information to analyze, but it’s precisely why multiple countries, like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway do not recommend and/or have halted their COVID-19 vaccination programs for certain age groups.
A proper risk/benefit analysis has not been done when it comes to comparing the risk COVID-19 vaccines to the risk of COVID-19 itself.
All this being said, many adverse reactions may not be connected to the vaccine, and some may be related to COVID itself. It’s hard to know, and what makes it hard is the fact that health agencies around the world have not properly investigated these signals. Instead, throughout the pandemic vaccine injuries have been brushed off, made out to be extremely rare and the stuff of “conspiracy theories.”