
UNREAL A dad says he’s gonna read from graphic books available to children in school and gets shut down

UNREAL. A dad says he’s gonna read from graphic books available to children in school and gets shut down by #oneclayschools board before he even starts because it might be against the law to read from these books in front of children.
These books are in school libraries.

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Written by colinnew

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Dr. Clare Craig: It’s an “Absurd Fantasy That 20 Million Lives Have Been Saved From Vaccinations”

Dr. Clare Craig: It’s an “Absurd Fantasy That 20 Million Lives Have Been Saved From Vaccinations”

Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they're embarrassed by 'bad science' - including vaccinating children under 5 to 'make their advice palatable to the White House,' doctors claim

Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’ – including vaccinating children under 5 to ‘make their advice palatable to the White House,’ doctors claim