Months of work have been validated.
I’ve lined up labs and spent a year trying to get a sample vial of the vaccine, but failed.
Meanwhile, someone in the UK has just succeeded!
➡️➡️ The results are in.
Graphene is confirmed! ⬅️⬅️
A UK lab has analysed a sample using RAMAN Spectroscopy and found Graphene.
(RAMAN Spectroscopy is the same technique used by Dr Campra in Spain to confirm GO in Spanish samples)
The sample was obtained by a UK doctor who kept the vital chain of evidence intact meaning the analysis will stand up in UK courts..
The report can be downloaded below.
Here are some key excerpts.
(The actual lab analysis will be published later)
A British Medical Practitioner came forward in December 2021 offering to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr’s Noack and Campra could be replicated in the UK and also to examine the COVID-19 injection vials for the discovery of toxins or unexpected contents.
The medical practitioner seized an injection vial from the fridge housed in the surgery in which she works and handed it to an independent investigator assisting in investigating cases relating to injury sustained as a result of injections given as part of the rollout.
Further vials have since been obtained which cover the three main manufacturers in the UK: Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.
Defendants identified
-National Health Service (NHS)
-Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
-Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)
-Her Majesty’s Government
Chain of Evidence
-Injection vial delivered to GP surgery
-Injection vial collected from the GP surgery refrigerator
-Injection vial delivered to Investigation team
-Injection vial delivered to the Laboratory
-Injection vial forensically examined
-Injection vial retained for disclosure purposes
A summary of the findings detailed in the attached quality assured report is as follows: RAMAN Spectroscopy discovered the following particles –
-SP3 Carbon
-Iron Oxide
-Carbon derivatives
-Glass shards
Read and Download the Full report here:https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/uk-lab-finds-graphene-in-vaccine-vials
Sign petition requesting police investigate here: https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/petition-submitted
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