The Biden administration is sounding the alarms over an expected 100 million new Covid “cases” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. The White House’s dire projection is not based on any new data, however, but on a ‘model.’
On Friday, a Biden administration official warned of the possible new Covid surge that could fuel hospitalizations and deaths, despite the CDC Director admitting that 95% of Americans have protection due to vaccinated and natural immunity.
“The Biden administration is preparing for the possibility that 100 million Americans — roughly 30 percent of the population — will get infected with the coronavirus this fall and winter, according to the administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity,” the New York Times reported.
“The 100 million figure is not as high as the total number of Americans known to have become infected with the highly contagious Omicron variant during the wave in December and January. It is based on a range of outside models, though the official did not specify which ones, and assumes that a rapidly evolving virus in the Omicron family — not a new variant — will spread through a population with waning immunity against infection,” the Times added.
The CDC claimed there were 146.6 million prior infections in the United States as of September 2020. Based on its calculation of four infections for every reported case, and the currently reported 80 million “cases,” this would put prior infections and natural immunity potentially as high as 320 million people.
Johns Hopkins University found in a landmark study published in January that 99% of unvaccinated people who had Covid infections gained robust “natural immunity” that did not diminish for at least 650 days. A CDC-sponsored database in partnership with Yale, Harvard, and Stanford universities also showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans had natural immunity from prior infections. Thus, the only ‘waning immunity’ would be for those who are vaccinated, but somehow did not yet become infected with the coronavirus.
It is also revealing that the New York Times floated the unsourced Covid alarmism in the context of the White House requesting billions in more funding after burning through an estimated six trillion dollars on the pandemic response.
“The White House has been asking Congress for $22.5 billion in emergency aid to continue responding to the pandemic, but Republicans have insisted on a much lower number — $10 billion — and have stripped $5 billion in global aid from the request,” the Times noted. “Republicans are also insisting that the Biden administration suspend its plans to lift a public health order known as Title 42, which authorities have used to deport asylum-seekers during the pandemic.”
The biggest impact of another Covid “case” surge would be on blue states that would use it as an excuse for mass absentee ballots, which are less secure than in-person voting with photo IDs. But even if blue states illegally change voting rules again without authorization from the state legislature, the majority of Americans no longer think Covid is a ‘crisis.’
“Less than one in 10 Americans now describe COVID-19 as a crisis — with about three in four calling it a manageable problem and one in six saying it’s no problem at all — according to the latest installment of the Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index,” Axios reported in April.
Axios claimed that the findings “matter” because: “These sentiments — and the public’s growing desire to be done with mask mandates and other restrictions — raise significant challenges for public health officials in managing new surges, and could create real political headwinds ahead of the midterms.”
“Democrats were five times as likely as Republicans to say COVID-19 is a crisis (16% to 3%),” the story added. “Meanwhile, Republicans were 10 times as likely as Democrats to say COVID-19 is not a problem (31% to 3%).”
“Here’s another way to look at the overall numbers: About twice as large a share of Americans said COVID-19 is ‘not a problem at all’ (17%) than said it is ‘a serious crisis’ (9%),” the story notes.
Such polling should give Democrats and public health officials serious pause about how far they can push the transparently political claim that Covid is an “emergency.”