
The number of deaths listed as possible side effects of COVID

LONDON, England, March 17, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The number of deaths listed as possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in the U.K. has doubled since January.

On March 11, the British government released the latest updates to the nation’s “Yellow Card” reporting on potential side effects arising from the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford/AstraZeneca injections. By January 31, 2021, there were 244 deaths reported, eight of which were listed as “spontaneous abortions.” The update, which covered the period from December 8, 2020, to February 28, 2021, reported 524 deaths, 22 of them described as “spontaneous abortions.” One death was attributed to premature birth

Although the MHRA does not dwell on the details, it states that side effects of both vaccines are both reported more frequently and are also more serious in those under 65. It repeated later in the document that side effects were more frequently reported “in younger adults.”

In the same preamble, however, it suggests both that some side effects listed are not proven to have been caused by a vaccine, and that the high number of incidences of side effects can be attributed in part to the predominance of the elderly among those vaccinated.

“The nature of Yellow Card reporting means that reported events are not always proven side effects,” the MHRA wrote

“Some events may have happened anyway, regardless of vaccination,” it continued. “This is particularly the case when millions of people are vaccinated, and especially when most vaccines are being given to the most elderly people and people who have underlying illness.”

As of February 28, 2021, 10.7 million people in the U.K. had been given their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and 9.7 million had been given a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Only 0.8 million had had a second dose so far, mostly of the Pfizer vaccine. Nevertheless, there were only 33,207 Yellow Card incidence reports for the Pfizer vaccine, whereas there were 54,180 for the AstraZeneca vaccine. There were 251 additional Yellow Cards submitted that did not specify which vaccine may have triggered the adverse reaction.

The preamble noted that there had been, in a single week, an increase of 3,492 Yellow Cards for the Pfizer and 11,263 for the AstraZeneca injection. Regarding the high number of cards, the MHRA stressed that over 20 million people in Britain had been inoculated with the vaccines and that there were only “3-6” Yellow Cards per 1,000 vaccinated people. It stated also that any suspicion that a COVID-19 vaccine might have played a role in a patient’s illness is reported and that these are “often coincidental.”

The Yellow Cards should not be taken as proof that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused serious side effects, the MHRA advises. Bell’s Palsy, which causes facial muscles to weaken and droop, has been associated with the vaccines, but the MHRA says that the number of cases of Bell’s Palsy occurring in vaccinated people is “similar to the expected natural rate.” 

Nevertheless, the MHRA now advises that people who take a COVID-19 vaccine should be “monitored for at least 15 minutes afterwards.” It continues to advise people with allergies to any of the ingredients in a vaccine not to take it.   

There are separate Yellow Card reports for each of the two vaccines. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was associated with 227 deaths of post-natal people, and the Oxford/AstraZeneca with 275. The Pfizer vaccine was associated with more miscarriages, however, for its Yellow Card report lists 18 “spontaneous abortions,” whereas there were only 4 listed for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Among the 227 post-natal deaths associated with the Pfizer vaccine, 114 were caused by “general disorders” (including 14 “sudden deaths”), 38 from “infections” (including 25 from COVID-19 or COVID-19 pneumonia), 26 resulted from “cardiac disorders”, 17 from “nervous system disorders” (including different kinds of strokes), 14 from respiratory disorders, 12 from “gastrointestinal disorders,” 2 from diabetes, one from thromocytopenia (insufficient white blood cells), one from injuries sustained from a fall, one from hemorrhaging, and one from “toxic epidermal necrolysis”, a fatal skin reaction normally caused by medication.

Among the 275 post-natal deaths associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, 153 were caused by general disorders (including 9 “sudden deaths”), 39 resulted from cardiac disorders, 38 from infections (including 14 of COVID or COVID pneumonia), 19 from nervous system disorders (including different kinds of strokes), 11 from respiratory disorders, 5 from gastrointestinal disorders, 3 from vascular disorders, 2 from diabetic ketoacidosis, one from immune thrombocytopenia, one from injuries sustained in a fall, one from a malignant tumor, one from having been born prematurely, one from renal failure, and one bluntly listed as “COVID-19 immunisation.”

The most common side effects associated with the vaccines were relatively (usually) minor conditions.

Regarding the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, there were reports of 4,423 cases of nausea (1 fatal) and 1,201 cases of vomiting (2 fatal). There were 6,438 reports of fatigue, 5,153 of fever, 3,364 of chills, 2,019 of “pain” in general, and 1,492 of injection site pain. There were 3,888 reports of muscle pain, 3,152 of a sore extremity, and 2647 of joint pain. There were 8,571 headaches reported, as well as 2,534 bouts of dizziness. Rashes numbered 1,367, and 1,360 cases of itching were reported.

Regarding the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, there were reports of 10,498 cases of nausea and 3,777 cases of vomiting (2 fatal). There were 2,517 cases of diarrhea, 1,212 of upper abdominal pain, and 1,158 of abdominal pain. There were 1,130 cases of palpitations. There were 18,640 reports of fever, 14,442 of chills, 13,202 of fatigue, 4,018 of pain, 3,631 of malaise, and 1,172 of hands or legs swelling. There were 8,308 reports of muscle pain, 6,317 of joint pain, 4,297 of pain in the extremities, and 1,499 cases of back pain. There were 23,454 headaches and 1,520 migraines. There were 5,513 cases of dizziness, 1,344 of lethargy, 1,413 of parasthesia (a prickling sensation). There were 1,490 cases of itching reported, and 1,417 rashes.

The preamble to the Yellow Card report said that the most common side effects happened “shortly after the vaccination and are not associated with more serious or lasting illness.” Nevertheless, the use of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine has been temporaliy suspended by a growing number of countries after it became associated with blood clots and a number of fatalities.

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.

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Written by Colin

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