Police use Rubber Bullets Against Farmers In Spain. Is this really what Peace Officers are Supposed to do for keeping peace?
Spanish farmers attacked with rubber bullets from police. The globalist minions better start to refuse orders against the people and unite. Robots will take everyones jobs. pic.twitter.com/e6289AxLas
— Colin Hamilton (@bugouttv) March 10, 2024
The EU’s globalist agenda prioritises dependency rather than local self-sufficiency, even though relying on food and oil imports poses risks. Importing food from distant locations significantly increases fuel consumption and labour compared to producing it locally.
The World Economic Forum’s reset agenda promotes the adoption of smart devices and 5G technology, despite the potential harm of electromagnetic frequency technologies to human health. In the farming sector, this translates to the electrification and wireless connection of everything under the guise of combating climate change and achieving net zero carbon emissions.
This new framework, although marketed as reducing CO2 emissions, remains highly polluting. As the focus shifts to marketing and selling new “green” products, the environmental impact remains largely unchanged.
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The following is extracted from the article ‘A Technocratic War on Farmers, Oil Dependency, and Homemade Apple Pie’ written by Mark Keenan and published by Global Research.
Without Farmers and Without Affordable Oil, Supermarket Shelves Will Quickly Become Empty
The globalist European Union (“EU”) does not seem concerned with the fact that without European farmers the 750 million people of the EU and wider Europe would be without food production on the entire European continent. All food would have to be imported using up yet more fossil fuels in transport – an obvious contradiction to the fossil-fuel/CO2 reduction agenda. Clearly, the real agenda involves creating dependency; and suppressing local or regional self-sufficiency. Furthermore, if peak oil manifests the so-called ‘cheap’ food imports to the EU will stop due to a shortage of oil and vastly inflated oil prices.
[Note: In another section of the article not included here, Keenan explores whether “Peak Oil” is a hoax and a propaganda tool to justify higher prices and to promote so-called “green” energy.]
A country overly dependent on food imports and oil imports is like a hospital patient on life support waiting for the power plug to be pulled out of the socket. Wherever you live in the world, access to imported food depends on the availability of affordable oil.
Note also that in this era of globalisation, prices can be rigged, and often do not reflect the reality that shipping food thousands of miles requires vastly more fuel and labour than producing food in your own country or region. If these externalities i.e., the true costs of transport, labour, and the polluting impacts on nature, were factored in, then the price of imports would be higher. It does not make sense to ship food thousands of miles when it can be produced within your own locality, country or region.
Given that Ukraine is a huge country with vast tracts of rich fertile land, we can see that the country has long-term strategic importance. It appears the globalists’ war against humanity, includes this war against farming. and against local food security. Author, Rosa Koire has described that UN Agenda 2030 aims to push people off of the land, become more dependent, and come into the cities:
“UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a global plan that is implemented locally. Over 600 cities in the US are members… The costs are paid by taxpayers… Although counties say that they support agricultural uses, eating locally produced food, farmer’s markets, etc, in fact, there are so many regulations restricting water and land use (there are scenic corridors, inland rural corridors, baylands corridors, area plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans, huge fees, fines) that farmers are losing their lands altogether… The push is for people to get off of the land, become more dependent, come into the cities…” – Rosa Koire
The EU/UN/WEF Technocratic War on Farmers: Climate Alarmism, Corporate Control, the IoT, and Electrification of Everything
The World Economic Forum (“WEF”) reset agenda involves the worldwide adoption of smart devices that utilise electromagnetic frequency technologies, specifically, the Internet of Things (“IoT”). The IoT is supported by 5th generation cellular technology, 5G. Note, however, that thousands of scientific studies assert that EMF-based technologies can be harmful to human health. According to the WEF:
The Internet of Things (IoT) now connects 22 billion devices in real-time, ranging from cars to hospital beds, electric grids and water station pumps, to kitchen ovens and agricultural irrigation systems… this number is expected to reach 50 billion or more by 2030.
In the farming sector, this involves the electrification and wireless connection of everything under the misleading banner of combatting climate change. Smart technology ostensibly marketed for achieving nonsensical “net zero carbon” is already being implemented in the agricultural sector. Consider this quote from a report to the UK’s Food & Drink Sector Council, by its Agricultural Productivity Working Group:
“If the net zero carbon ambition is to be achieved by our industry, electrification of heavy farm machinery must be facilitated. Nationwide reinforcement of rural electricity infrastructure, including buffer battery storage systems, will be essential to deliver the required electrical flow for ‘smart charging’ of multiple high-capacity batteries… in the farming calendar. … Facilitating the management of land by those who will adopt new tools, technologies and practices could have a subsequent positive impact on productivity. The following actions are required: 1. Invest in 5G infrastructure to enable required future data flow 2. Upgrade the rural electricity network to enable electrification of farm equipment… ” – UK Food and Drink Sector Council
Clearly, there is another agenda behind the WEF reset, and UN Agenda 2030, that has nothing to do with real environmentalism (see also the article ‘Driving an electric car is fake environmentalism’). I note that the author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and that he describes this agenda in a recent article as follows:
The plan also involves removing farmers from the land (AI-driven farmerless farms) and filling much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels… this misguided agenda is a recipe for food insecurity… neoliberal trade policies that lead to the import of produce that undermines domestic production and undercuts prices… or the implementation of net zero emissions policies that set unrealistic targets…. farming is deliberately being made impossible or financially non-viable. The aim is to drive most farmers off the land and ram through an agenda that by its very nature seems likely to produce shortages and undermine food security… Big agribusiness and ‘philanthropic’ foundations position themselves as the saviours of humanity … Integral to this ‘food transition’ is the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, a commentary that has been carefully constructed and promoted… This predatory commercialisation of the countryside uses flawed premises and climate alarmism to legitimise the roll-out of technologies to supposedly deliver us all from climate breakdown and Malthusian catastrophe.
The ‘Food Transition’ Is a War on Food, Farmers and Everybody Worldwide, Global Research, 4 March 2024
Note also that the wind-solar-electric economy being promoted by the UN/WEF is fake environmentalism as the production of millions of large batteries for electric vehicles involves extensive use of fossil fuels during the mining, production and processing of rare earth metals. Furthermore, electric vehicles are still driven by electricity produced from fossil fuels and will most likely continue to be. Despite decades of government subsidies wind power provides less than 5% of the world’s energy, and solar just 1%. The use of electricity to charge vehicles and devices is also an extremely inefficient use of energy, according to a study by the European Association for Battery Electric Vehicles commissioned by the European Commission (EC):
The ‘Well-to-Tank’ energy efficiency (from the primary energy source to the electrical plug), taking into account the energy consumed by the production and distribution of the electricity, is estimated at around 37%.
Furthermore, the move from a mine-and-burn hydrocarbon economy towards a wind-solar-electric economy in itself requires a vast expenditure of fossil-fuel energy to re-purpose the entire worldwide industrial system, as well as build vast new energy grids for wind and solar energy. The idea that this new economy reduces CO2 emissions is simply not true – it has just been marketed as such. A new electric industrial framework in itself will still be very polluting to land, air, and water in virtually the same ways as the old framework as it creates more and more “product” to be marketed and sold, such as electric cars, which we are now incorrectly told is okay because its “green product.”
You can read Mark Keenan’s full article ‘A Technocratic War on Farmers, Oil Dependency, and Homemade Apple Pie’ HERE.