
The Woo Level

The Globalists Are Loosing The Info War

The Globalists Are Loosing The Info War
The Globalists Are Loosing The Info War

In this latest video by Clif, he dissects the next Level of Woo. Those who have bought the lies and have been conditioned their whole life to melt down when someone looks at them sideways are really in for a hard time. 

Those that can make it through mentally will really need our help.  It’s those that can’t that are concerning.  The social systems simply won’t have the resources to help them.  What of them?

What do you think?

Written by Colin

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Stop Fucking Around. We see whats happening, the cops better wake the fuck up too.

Australias FREEDOM Movement Is Controlled Just Like UK!! we are following wrong people

Police Handcuff & Forcibly Remove Woman From Home, Thrown In Cage In Route To Nazi Camps