
TD Bank Gives $500,000 to Child Transgender Clinic

TD Bank Gives $500,000 to Child Transgender Clinic
TD Bank Gives $500,000 to Child Transgender Clinic

TD Bank pledged a $500,000 grant to a children’s hospital’s “pediatric gender diversity program,” which performs medical interventions on children under the age of 18.

Roughly 30 additional children will undergo irreversible “gender affirmation” because a U.S. banking giant is granting $500,000 to a hospital’s “pediatric gender diversity program.”

The grant by the New Jersey-based TD Bank is specifically targeted at enhancing the availability of “gender affirming” care to children under the age of 18.

Information about the grant, posted to TD Bank’s website and archived here, explains that the money will be given to Canada’s McMaster Pediatric Gender Diversity Program through Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations.

The website explains that the program “aims to provide medical and mental health services to trans and gender diverse youth as part of a comprehensive program that includes adolescent medicine” as well as endocrinology.

It also offers “complete medical referrals and legal referrals such as changing gender markers and a person’s legal name on identification.”

“The grant from TD via CCHF will allow the program to scale its support to an additional 25-30 youths, allowing the program to fully support 85-100 new patients each year,” TD Bank’s website states.

TD’s Manager of Community Relations Sarah Colley stated “Through our support of CCHF, we are proud to be a part of helping to make healthcare more accessible and equitable for adolescents across Canada.”

Information on the McMaster Pediatric Gender Diversity Program is not readily available on the McMaster Children’s Hospital website. The story from TD Bank does, however, cite quotations from Dr. Rosheen Grady who works at the clinic.

Grady was cited as part of the clinic’s team on a Zoom presentation in December of 2020 titled “Trans Youth CAN Community Clinic Event.” The event was hosted by the McMaster Children’s Hospital Adolescent Medicine Clinic.

“Our clinic takes an affirming approach to gender, and we provide care for trans and gender-diverse youth under 18 from all over Southern Ontario,” one of the presentation slides reads.

The presentation also explains that the clinic works alongside several different pro-transgender organizations.

Among the organizations that the clinic works with is the Youth Wellness Centre, which hosts an “Empowerment Fund for transition related costs.”

They also work with the Hamilton Trans Health Coalition, which describes itself as a “coalition of health care providers, advocates, and community members working to increase the capacity of health systems in Hamilton, Ontario to meet the needs of trans, gender-diverse, and non-binary people.”

Their position statement on “gender affirming care” notes that the group is “committed to increasing capacity for, and access to, gender-affirming care (including puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries), for all trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people who wish to access it.”

The organization also supports the use of medical interventions on children who identify as transgender, saying “We oppose the fearmongering and anti-trans narratives driving the politicization of gender-affirming care for youth.”

The organization also promotes “rainbow pals,” a “summer camp specifically for LGBTQ2S+ kids and kids in LGBTQ2S+ families” as young as four years old.

This is not the first time that TD Bank has supported the transgender agenda. The financial institution donated $150,000 to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset’s Babs Siperstein PROUD Center.

“Funds from the TD Bank grant will help ensure transgender patients of color have access to HIV prevention and mental health services as well as health care services associated with the transitioning process, including hormone replacement therapy,” an article reads.

The bank also participates in a professional mentorship program specifically oriented towards “LGBTQ2+ refugees.” TD Bank is one of the ten largest banks in the United States.

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Written by colinnew

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