25 Year Veteran ER physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi offers an evidence-packed testimony that shows the multiple deceptions of the W.H.O. agenda. He explains the truth about PCR testing, the dangers of Masking & Lockdowns, and the false reporting of Covid deaths in Canada. Dr. Trozzi uses the analogy of the Trojan Horse to explain how mRNA injections work in our bodies, and the long list of harms being reported around the world. He provides powerful evidence to show these injections are “ not safe, not effective, not vaccines”. Dr. Trozzi tells us about the organized cover-up on reporting adverse events in Canada, citing Drs who were punished by their College, CPSO for doing so. At the end of 2020, Dr. Trozzi was so dismayed he resigned from his position, gave up his income & sold his family home. He has since joined a growing army of Drs & Scientists around the globe who are speaking out! Don’t miss this super concise presentation!