An Arizona coroner has ruled that ex-politician and pedophile advocate Nathan Larson’s cause of death was suicide by starvation.
Larson, 41, who ran a campaign in Virginia to legalize child pornography, died on September 18, 2022, while he was in a prison facility in Arizona receiving medical care.
A Maricopa County Medical Examiner (MCME) report sent to Newsweek stated Larson had been an inmate of Fresno Couty Jail, in California, “when he stopped eating.”
Larson had been held in the jail on felony charges for soliciting child pornography as well as a number of other offenses.

In December 2021, Fresno jail records indicated he complained of pitting edema, caused by poor circulation or the retention of excess fluids, and that he had an elevated heart rate that was “suggestive of heart failure.”
It added: “Symptoms began when the decedent (Larson) started eating and drinking more following a hunger strike of approximately 30 days.”
The documents said Larson was first referred for a mental health evaluation for refusal to eat on June 11, 2022.
On June 21, Larson was diagnosed with COVID and he was placed on remdesivir treatment. He continued to have “profound muscular weakness” and later required a ventilator, which he was weaned off on August 14.
Larson would continue to engage in physical and occupational therapy until September 6, when he was discharged to Promise Hospital in Mesa, Arizona. His health declined further and he was pronounced dead at the facility some days later.
The report, signed off by Lesley E. Wallis, continued: “Further review of the medical records indicate discussion with the decedent and his sister confirm suicidal ideation with cessation of food and water approximately six weeks prior to admission into hospital.
Refusing Food and Water
“It is also noted discussion with the sister and the decedent’s attorney confirm prior suicidal ideations and attempts were made by the decedent by refusing intake of food and water.
“Based on the external examination findings and investigative history as available to me, it is my opinion that Nathan Daniel Larson, a 41-year-old male, died as a result of Complications of Protein Calorie Malnutrition and Wernicke’s Encephalopathy. The manner of death is Suicide.”
According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice, there were 311 federal prisoner suicides in the country in 2019. The figures show there has been a steady increase in the number of suicides in prison, with 197 being recorded in 2008.
Larson, a white supremacist, was extradited to Fresno after police learned he traveled from Virginia to California in 2020 in order to abduct a 12-year-old girl who he had groomed online.
The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office said Larson traveled to the girl’s home and managed to convince her to sneak out of the house before he took her to the city’s airport.
Once they arrived, Larson made the girl wear a long hair wig in a bid to change her appearance and also told her to “act as though she was disabled and unable to speak” and not to talk with anyone there.
Colorado police later arrested Larson and rescued the child after they learned the flight had a layover in Denver.
Larson was later charged with the misdemeanor charge of harboring a minor, but also was handed felony charges in Fresno County for kidnapping, child abduction, soliciting child pornography from a minor and meeting a child for the intention of sex.
He had previously run for office three times in Virginia and advocated the legalization of child pornography, the abolition of the Child Protective Services department, and the discouraging of women to go to college.
In his 2018 political manifesto, Larson expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler and called him a “white supremacist hero.”