🇺🇸💊@COVID19Up: Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor announced (https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oklahoma/articles/2022-02-08/oklahoma-ag-oks-prescribing-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine) on Tuesday (Feb. 8) that his office found “no legal basis for a state medical licensure board to discipline a licensed physician” for using their judgment and prescribing FDA-approved drugs for the off-label purpose of treating COVID-19.
“I stand behind doctors who believe it is in their patients’ best interests to receive ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine,” Mr. O’Connor said (https://www.oag.ok.gov/articles/attorney-general-oconnor-assures-oklahoma-physicians-are-not-prohibited-prescribing-label) in a statement.
“Our healthcare professionals should have every tool available to combat COVID-19. Public safety demands this. Physicians who prescribe medications and follow the law should not fear disciplinary action for prescribing such drugs.”
In October 2021, Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson’s office released (https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-donald-trump-business-health-nebraska-27fa41c733b4d7cab18ce13ccfcfb5c6) a legal opinion saying it didn’t see data to justify legal action against health care professionals who prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to prevent or treat COVID-19.
“Based on the evidence that currently exists, the mere fact of prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 will not result in our office filing disciplinary actions,” Peterson said.
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