New York schools are now teaching children as young as four that “some boys have a penis but not all boys do.”
The New York Post reports that the transgender ideology is being promoted to children in New York City as part of the city’s HIV/AIDS curriculum, which was revamped in September, featuring the book called “These are My Eyes, This is My Nose, This is My Vulva, These are My Toes,” by Lexx “The Sex Doc” Brown-James, a St. Louis-based sex educator and therapist. reports: A section of the book states, “Some girls wear dresses, some girls won’t, some girls have vulvas and some girls don’t,” adding “Some boys have a penis but not all boys do.”
“To always use your manners, ask ‘What may I call you?,’” it continues, pushing pronoun nonsense on to kids barely above toddler age as well.
“EJ is not a girl or a boy. So not he or she. To show you care, always use ‘they,’ ‘them’ and ‘theirs,’” it decrees.
Why the hell do four year old children need to know anything about AIDS, let alone penises and vuvlas wrapped up in a transgender pronoun agenda?
A website for the book laughably claims that the book supports “students in learning the name of basic body parts, including the medical terms for genitals.”
Everyone knows what it really is.
Parents were also not offered any opt out, according to the Post report.
Believe it or not, the New York State law requires elementary school children from Kindergarten through to fifth grade to have five lessons on HIV per year.
Co-founder of the nonprofit Restore Childhood Natalya Murakhver told the Post, “It’s beyond inappropriate,” adding “This is graphic content that, if it’s introduced, I think it should be introduced in the home, not in the schools.”
Why is this stuff being pushed so forcibly onto tiny children in schools all over the country?